He sees you at a live interview show

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You are at a live interview in (your country) and the interviewer came to you so you can ask a question. "Hello sweetheart what's your name?" The interviewer said. "My name is Y/N" you reply nervously. "Don't be nervous love" Louis said sending you a smile. You smile back. "My question is for Louis, sorry boys. If you were to date a fan here, who would you date? Sorry for the question being random." You say embarrassingly. "No worries love, I would probably date..." He stopped for a minute to think and look around. "Probably you." Louis said winking at you as other girls screamed and the other girls and the boys shouted the words 'Aww' Louis smiled widely the whole interview, he kept giving you small glancing at you and giving you a wink and a little cheeky grin.

Louis Tomlinson imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin