The Celebrity Lifeguard

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You were at a beach today was your birthday, you were with your best friends (y/BFF/n,Jasmine,Ellie and Daniella). You were all talking about one direction. As you were talking you saw a familiar male figure. You saw none other than Louis Tomlinson.

"What do you think Y/N?" Daniella asked you. You looked at her blankly. "Sorry I wasn't listening.." you say feeling a bit of guilt that you didn't pay attention. "You were staring at the lifeguard weren't you?" Ellie says with a smirk.

You nodded. "He looks so familiar.." Jasmin says looking at the lifeguard. "I know but from where?" You hear Ellie say. "One direction? Louis Tomlinson? You say in a questioned tone, although you already knew it was Louis.

"You ladies alright? I see that you keep looking my way." You hear Louis say. "Oh my god Louis! Sorry we were just.. trying to see if that was you or not." Daniella says nervously.

"It's alright love, you girls want a picture I'm guessing?" Louis says with a little laugh. You all nodded in unison. "You Okay love you haven't spoken whatsoever." Louis asks you with worry in his face. "Yeah sorry. I'm still shocked that it's you" you say blushing slightly.

"It's alright love" Louis smiled you smile back. You all took a picture with Louis. Your best friends went to the water to go and swim.

You stayed underneath the umbrella. Louis still hadn't left. He stayed talking with you. "Here's my number don't tell any of your friends though love." Louis says as he goes off and does the job he was supposed to be doing.

He walked off and you basically were shocked, the girls came back and asked you questions. In the corner of your eye you see Louis putting his finger on his lips, a sign for you to shush.

You did as he he showed you, and replied plainly. "Simply nothing." With a little grin on your face.

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