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She grabbed the empty bottle of beer and slammed it in the table. She tighten her grip into my friend's hand, and in a blink of an eye my friend's wrists was already slit open.

"Nooo!! What have you done?! I never told you to hurt me! You should've at least wait for my answer!" She exclaimed. I can see horror in her eyes, she can't believe what happened.

Angrily, she grabbed the broken bottle from the woman's hand and throw it into the woman's face.


"NEWSFLASH: A 28 years old woman was found dead inside her empty apartment. According to her neighbors, the night before the crime, they heard a strange noise inside the said apartment.

According to the police report, they found a note that seemed to be the last message of the woman:

"My friend, I'm so sorry for tolerating you. This shouldn't have happen if I never let you control me. I, with my death, humbly apologize to the heavenly Father for the great crime. I wanted to do too much. Even though I live, I'm not really alive. I don't want anyone to be disappointed. It's been a long time my friend, please let me be at peace. It's been a long time... depression my old friend."

That night, a loud crashing sound invaded the empty cold room. A mirror was crashed, same as to what happened to my sanity.

"I wish people knew just how bad things were in my head when I was about to jump, or when I rammed pills down my neck. A lot of people call suicide a coward's way out, but they don't realize just how bad you are until they have lost someone close or they are in that position themselves."

— Hayley L


The night before my deathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin