Super Luv

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They sat side by side under the old oak tree. She was quieter then normal and she tried hard to cover the bruises on her arms, but he saw them. Anger boiled in his veins yet he knew that there was nothing he could do to help her and that made him feel even worse. What kind of friend sits back and does nothing while their best friend gets hurt daily.

He looked down at his own hands and fiddled with the object that he had brought with him to their meeting spot. Brushing his long, shaggy bangs out of his eyes he looked back over at her.

"I hate him some times." Her voice was a soft whisper as she gently rubbed a finger over the fresh bruises on her forearm.

"But he's your dad."

"I know." She looked over at him with her soft doe brown eyes. He loved her eyes. They were always so warm and he felt he could melt in them, just like chocolate. Rubbing his thumb over what he hid in his hand he gave her a small smile.

"I made you something." He opened his hand holding his gift out to her.

She reached out taking it from him. "What is it?"

A single bottle cap he had painted pink, her favorite color, with a heart painted over it hung from white and pink string. It wasn't anything fancy but he'd made it with love. She slipped it over her head looking up at him.

"I hope you like it." He held his breath waiting for her to answer.

"I love it." She moved closer hugging him tightly. For several moments they simply sat that way until he felt her being torn from his embrace by her father. Her fear filled eyes locked with his before she was pulled away. He couldn't do anything but watch as she stumbled after her father, though he wanted to fight the one who would hurt his very best friend.

As she dissappeared from sight he wiped the tears from his cheek.

"Some day I'll be strong enough to stand up for you." He whispered into the wind.

******This story is based off the song 'SuperLuv' by Shane Dawson. After listening to the song repeatedly, cause my kids love it, I decided it would make a great story. So Shane this story is for you.

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