Chapter 24 - "Closure"

Start from the beginning

Draiz: "Grrrrr........."

Mara: "Haha. Well, 'til next time."

Mara's head disappears. Along with Draiz's trust for humans.

Draiz: "I am never trusting humans again."

Rayla: "H-hey, now. Don't let something like that get you down. That's just Mara being Mara."

Draiz: "Why should I even care at this point. Everyone's just gonna leave me anyways."

Rayla: "Draiz... are you really that over-reliant on others?"

Draiz stays quiet.

Rayla: "Draiz! If you keep on letting others pamper you like this, you'll never become independent."

Draiz: "I know that! I know that! Don't you think I know that?!"

Rayla: "No. No, I don't. Because in my eyes, you still haven't grown up yet. Draiz, you need to start deciding for yourself. Remember what Arufaz told you?"

Draiz(mumbles): "Get stronger without him..."

Rayla: "Now, Mara has left you too. This time, you really are on your own."

Draiz: "Grr......"

Draiz can do nothing but grind his teeth. In truth, he already knew that at some point, he'd end up alone in the end. He knew he had to leave sooner or later. But, he didn't expect that they'd leave him.

Draiz(ROAR): "That's it!!"

Rayla(stunned): "...... Huh?"

Draiz: "I'll definitely get stronger! But, on my own this time! I'll start by wrecking that queen's castle, then I'll invade the underworld and challenge the demon lord to a duel, and then, I'll go to where Mara is... and beat the living crap out of her!"

Rayla: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop right there. What happened to becoming stronger?"

Draiz: "Huh? What do you mean? Isn't doing all of this gonna make me stronger?"

Rayla: "...... ......"

Draiz: "And, with that... I'll get started on that queen's castle."

Lance: "Why don't you start with me, first."

Lance, the newest member of Rayla's party. He seemed to have joined them somewhere during the 10-year gap since they last saw each other. It seems that he only joined them so he could fight against strong opponents.

Rayla: "Lance. Why are you here?"

Lance: "I came to declare a fight to the death with that dragon. From now on, I will leave your puny group, and continue to journey on my own, looking for stronger opponents to do battle with."

Draiz: "Oh...? Hehe~! Then, why didn't you challenge me before in the castle, huh?"

Lance: "I considered you an ally back then. But hearing your intentions, and your goals, I judged you differently now."

Rayla: "Boys, this isn't the time fo-..."

Draiz: "Haha! Now, that sounds fun! But, no. You're too weak to even count as warm up."

Lance's face shows a hint of being offended. He points his sword to him immediately charges straight at the dragon.

Rayla: "Lance, sto-...!"

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