The Betrayal

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Desmond POV
He turned them all against us. Jacob fucking Calvaster, the spawn of an Olympic witch. He has much to pay for, and when he's dead I shall show him the depths of hell myself. But then again, I suppose you don't know what he has to burn for, so let me enlighten you.

Flashback- 3 months before

The campers have slowly been turning against Percy, Nico, and I. Percy and Nico claim they don't know why, but I do. It's that bastard son of Hecate. How do I know? He tried to turn me against Percy. He said he stole my knife. I punched him in the nose, and took my knife back from him. I had watched him take it from my cabin, I'm not an idiot. But things just got worse and worse. First, the Demeter kids. He killed all their plants by either over watering or lack of sun, and blamed us. Then the Hermes cabin. Stole all their shit and put it in our cabins. And went down the list afterwards. It ended with Athena. He got all of their laptops wet, ruined any plans they had, and stole some and put it in the Hades cabin. There were very few people that had stayed by our side up to that point. Annabeth, Will Solace, and Clarisse. That was it. The only other person was not able to defend us, Thalia. Then the thing that broke Percy. I wanted to go for a swim, so I headed down to the beach. Only to find Percy watching Annabeth making out with that bastard son of a witch. Percy froze, for all he could do was watch the only person who he'd jump into a literal hell for destroy his heart. "Annabeth." He said so softly, so calmly, you almost wish he'd screamed. "P-Percy..." she stuttered, realizing that she'd been caught. "She's mine now, get lost Jackson. Unless you'd like to watch?" Jacob said mockingly. The air got as cold as the arctic in about two seconds. "Ppperrccyy.....III mmmeannntt tooo ttallkkk tooo youuu....." Annabeth tried to say. Percy calmly reached into his pocket and pulled something out before looking at it with a cold, emotionless look. Then he tossed it to her and walked away. Annabeth caught it. Once she recognized what she was holding, she began to cry. Then she screamed. Then she turned and ran to her cabin, leaving me, Percy's engagement ring for Annabeth, and the spawn of an Olympic Witch.

Nico POV
I was sitting in the hades cabin, debating on what to do. Should I tell Will how I feel? I thought. My thoughts were broken apart by a scream, and then my cabin door being flung open a minute later. "Neeks?" Desmond called out. "Yeah." I looked at Desmond. He looked even more dead inside, more removed and isolated. "Get your shit. We're leaving." He said before packing a backpack. "Who's we?" I said. "You, me, Percy, Will, and Clarisse." He said. I started packing.

Clarisse POV
I was walking back from a conversation with the Hepheastus cabin at Bunker 9 when I saw something moving in the woods. I turned and I saw something that made my blood boil. Piper McLean, a hero of olympus, one of the Seven, my closest friend. Making out with my boyfriend Chris Rodriguez. My arms were glowing red. It was bright, like a fire. It was so bright, the Human Torch would be jealous. They finally noticed, and got quiet. "He already caught us...little bit ago" Piper said. "....listen Clarisse..." Chris tried to say. "SHUT UP SON OF HERMES!" I yelled. The glow intensified. After composing myself I looked at him. "Not only did you do this to me, you did it to one gives a damn about me...I could've lived with it being just me...what you've done now is unforgivable." I said quietly before stalking off. I walked up to the Zeus cabin and knocked on the door. I could hear the crashing and banging from the door. "Jason it's Clarisse.." I whispered. "GO AWAY!" He screamed. "I'm here if you wanna talk ok?" I said before turning to walk away. The door flew open to reveal a heart broken Roman. What shocked me most was he looked mad at me. "It's all your fault! If you'd been good enough then he would've been happy, and she would've stayed! It's all your fault!" He screamed, hitting the wall with every sentence. And with that he went back inside and continued breaking shit, and the last string holding my heart together frayed, and tore. I started walking back to the Ares cabin until I silently started crying. No way I could go back now. I ran into Desmond. "Clarisse are you ok?" He whispered. I shook my head. "Going to your cabin?" I nodded. "C'mon I'll take you...what's wrong?" He sounded like I did earlier with Chris. Angry, yet broken. "He cheated on me...Chris cheated on me with Piper...Jason blames me..." I told him. "Do you wanna and Percy...we're leaving tonight. I doubt we're coming back for awhile." He said. I nodded. I grabbed a backpack and started shoving stuff in it. "I'll meet you at the top of the hill after dinner." I said. With that, he vanished into a shadow, and I cut the lights off and sat in the darkness.

Will POV
"So I have something to tell you guys, because I need advise." I said. All of my cabin mates, my family were here. "So you guys know I'm gay, right?" I said. Everyone agreed, shaking there heads. "I think I have feelings for a guy in the camp..." I said quietly and everyone exploded in applause. They were so happy. "Who is it Will?" Avery asked. "Who's their parent?" Jenna asked. "Hades.." I whispered. And with that everyone shouted insults at me about the Hades cabin. And then Jenna walked up to me and slapped me. "It was because of them my sister was killed. Don't you ever say anything about them again." She looked teary eyed. And they left. And I cried. And cried and cried and cried. "Will..?" A voice whispered. There was Desmond. The second person I talked to the most. "Me and some others are leaving coming?" I nodded. And with that I grabbed my backpack and packed all my stuff and grabbed the shoulder of the son of Hades, who's brother I was falling in love with, and vanished into the darkness.

(Flashback to Percy's betrayal) Desmond POV
After the beach, I shadow traveled to the woods where I knew Nicole would be. Nicole was a daughter of Apollo who I had gotten close to since I arrived here. She had a sister who's name I don't remember. J something? I don't know. I looked around and called for her. The girl who I started to love, the one who made me feel alive again. And when I found her, my soul was torn from my body and sent to Tartarus. There she was, sprawled out across Zeus's Fist, cut up like a piece of meat, with a message written in blood next to her. You shall see her again one day, son of Hades. Just know, she called out for you and you weren't there to protect her. And she loved you dearly. Not that it matters now. -J.C.
I don't remember me falling to my knees..I don't remember screaming....I don't remember shadow traveling to the bottom of the sea to clear my head. I barely remember Percy finding me and hauling me to the Hades cabin. And then I expressed to him my weakness. Explained to him how I wasn't there, how I failed. I expressed to him my sin. And how I had just repeated it again.

Time skip- Present Day

Desmond POV
Here we were. The five of us. The five of us who had had enough, who had been betrayed. Cast aside. And now we were leaving. "Goodbye, Camp Half-blood." Percy said softly. I took in a deep breath. "Fuck this place." We all nodded in agreement and started walking. We made it to Percy's cabin in Montauk when Hades, Poseidon, Apollo, Ares, Aphrodite, Hecate, and a stranger appeared. Clarisse threw a spear at Aphrodite and I threw a knife at Hecate. They both dodged and looked at us. "I know what our sons and daughters have done to you both, and I am sorry. I have nothing to do with their actions." They both said. We nodded in understanding. "Zeus says the same for his son." Whispered Ares. "I am sorry for your siblings.." Apollo whispered. "Desmond.." I looked at my father. "I found her soul...she went straight to Elysium. Right next to-" "Don't you say her name. Don't you fucking say it." I whispered. My dad looked a little frightened but obliged. "We have a path that you may choose to take." The gods said. We all nodded, and the stranger came forth, and it looked like he was made from the cosmos. "I am Chaos, creator of the universe. I would like to offer you all the opportunity to join my army as the most elite squad of the army and the leaders of the army." We all looked at each other and nodded. "We accept lord Chaos."

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