You promised

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Eren Flys off the roof disreguarding his well being and goes after the titan that just consumed Thomas. Erens confedence is sure but he is not in his right mind. Eren was about to kill the murderous titan, but ,not anticipating a titan jumping up to try and catch him in his mouth, was thrown across several roof tops. Mikasa stands in shock for a few seconds until she sees the titan approaching eren in his motionless state. She immediately takes action but doesn't get to him fast enough. The titan picks eren up and drops him down its throat. Mikasa dives straight in after him, not thinking about the consequences. She grabs eren by the collar and throws him on to a close by roof top. He is awake now and staring wide eyed at her, as if saying don't do this.

"MIKASA, N-" Eren starts but it's too late.

A tear rolls down mikasas check and just before she's swallowed she whimpers "You promised me not to die"


please leave comments and reviews. I would really appreciate the help.

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