Chapter 2 - My Community

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When I woke up, I noticed the stench. It smelled like a mixture of death and smoke, coursing through my sinuses. I got up and put a washcloth over my mouth and nose, blocking the smell. I knew it from somewhere. Even through the cloth, I had managed to get drowsy. I couldn't take it anymore, vomiting into the cloth, forcing me to get another. I wet the cloth this time, further preventing smoke from getting through. There was a distant sound of an alarm, and screams echoed through the corridors. I just then realised what had happened. This was not the drill that they conducted when I was younger. This was an actual attack. The smell putting out sleep serum, forcing anyone who breathed it in to fall asleep or vomit, considering whether or not they had something... different in their genes. I had had symptoms of both, making me somewhere in the middle. All I knew was that my gender dysphoria affected it. I feel sick to my stomach. Almost... dead. I grabbed a butter knife from the small "kitchen" if you could call it that, and I ran off in the opposite direction from the gas.
    I eventually ran past the hospital wing, the lunch room, and the main hall. The cooling was ineffective due to the Earth's core, making it blisteringly hot in the main conference room.

To be continued-

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