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Zoey's POV
I wonder who this lady is. she confuses me of why she is cussing at a 3 year old. sure, I am a mature three year old, but still.

what if I wasn't?
will I ever find my classroom?
will she send me to the principals office?
should I tell somebody that she cussed?
would they think that I am a baby that can't stand anything?
should I get up?
should I refuse because she used a rude tone and cussed at me?
would that be babyish?

After all of these questions that I asked myself, I decide to get up. the woman tries to hold my hand. I decide that if I don't accept her hand I might sound rude so I took her hand. She asked me what my name was. I considered lying to her but then realized that I probably shouldn't, so I responded with, "my name is Zoey Telias."

She then asked me who's class I was in. I was starting to trust her. But I tried to stop myself because she cussed at me earlier. So I simply said, "well, I am not sure and that's why I am not in my classroom. will you help me find my teacher? I am 3 years old."

"First I have to take you somewhere else. We can't go straight to your classroom yet. We are going to the office to sign you in so you aren't counted as absent. There, the desk managers can tell you who's class you're in and I can take you there. Then, you are going to be with your teacher and I will leave."

I thought this was a good plan except for the part where people in the office, that where big important people were, would know that I didn't tell anyone about not knowing who my teacher is and how I just sat there.
what would they think of me?
would I get in trouble?


"here's the office."

that's when I noticed something. this girl wasn't much taller than me and she didn't sound much older than me either. the way that my brother described the office it didn't look like this. where am I? is this really where I am supposed to be? so to make sure I was safe, I had to ask a few questions.

"so, who are you?"

"you can call me Alexis. but don't tell anyone about me."

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