45 - Theo Raeken and Cody Christian

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( More of Theo than Cody )

" And last but not least the cutie that is Stiles Stilinski's little sister! Y/N Y/L/N! " The announcer says. I walk out, and sit next to Dylan and Dylan. " So guys what can you say about season 4? " The announcer asks.

" I have yet to kiss someone on the show, as well what my actual name is, is kind of weird, " I comment.

" Elizabethaina, and her nickname is Libby. I was shocked also, and Liam is the one to find out first and Stiles is like how did you find that out, " Sprayberry comments.

" He's shocked about everything, " Posey comments.

" We'll start with Tyler Posey, but what is one thing you're looking forward too? " The announcer asks.

" I know Holland's answer, Holland go first, " Posey comments.

" I want a love interest for freaking Libby! She's gone 4 seasons without any love, " Holland exclaims.

" Well there was the few comments about her and Greenberg, " Jeff comments.

" My favorite one is when coach screams 'Greenberg get your nasty hands off of that poor girl'. That took like 3 shots, because I keep on laughing, " I comment.

After the panel we go back to the studio. I am being suited for an outfit. It's suppose to fit everything perfectly. " And look who it is, it's Y/N. And is that a new outfit? " O'Brien asks. Which makes me start laughing.

" I don't even know what this is going to be, " I comment while Barbara continues on taking measurements.

" Barb can you tell us anything? " Dyl asks.

" She's going to look outstanding, " Barb comments which makes us two laugh.

Months later. Beginning of season 5!

" Okay Stiles are we actually planning on doing this? This is pretty dangerous, " I comment as I walk with them to the school.

" Yeah it's important we do this, " Stiles says to his younger twin sister.

" It doesn't make sense to me, " I comment to him.

" Libby! " Kira screams. Libby runs up to Kira giving her a giant hug.

" You look fantastic. You'll have to tell me everything about New York, " I tell her.

" Will do, " she says smiling back.

After a ton of fighting scenes we meet Theo or we are reunited with Theo. I don't know.

" Who are you? " Scott asks.

" You don't remember me, do you? I guess I do look different from the fourth grade, " he says walking forward.

" Theo? " Scott asks. I pick my head up making eye contact.

" I'm going inside, " I mutter to myself, but Kira and Malia heard. I walk pass Theo, and I turn around flicking him off. After that I run off.

" Was that Libby? " Theo asks. Stiles nods to him. " She's changed a lot, " he adds.

" AND CUT! " Russell screams.

We do more and more scenes which require us to work. Now we're doing a scene while we're at school.

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