"But I shouldn't be so rude to our guest." Ayano gave a short laugh at that. "You call someone you severely injured and kidnapped a guest?"

"Well, if you hadn't resisted so much, then maybe it would've been more pleasant." Another villain spoke up. He had black, spiky hair that loomed over his turquoise eyes. Parts of his body held patches of wrinkled, purple skin. A color quite close to the shade of Ayano's large bruises forming on her torso.

Before she could respond, Kurogiri intervened. "We apologize for our rough handling of the situation, but we thought you might not agree to speak with us civilly under different circumstances. Of course, you might not do so now but your wounds prevent you from acting out."

He was right about that. Ayano was in no condition to fight back. Whatever they wanted from her, she'd have to listen. Besides, any information she could get would be useful.

"So, what do you want? I highly doubt you brought me here for some tea party." She remarked sarcastically. Shigaraki opened his arms to each side of him, as if putting himself and the other villains on display. "Sasaki Ayano, won't you join our party of villains?"

"I refuse." She immediately responded, not even wasting a millisecond. A brief, somewhat awkward, silence followed. Shigaraki's arms slowly fell to his side. With a severed hand directly latched onto his face, Ayano couldn't see his expression but she was sure it probably didn't look too happy.

"Come on, now. Don't you think this society values and praises heroes too much? Violence is looked down upon, but when the 'heroes' use it in the name of justice, they're applauded. How is that fair? All they care about is fame and fortune, turning a blind eye to those really in need. You must feel the same way. You were pretty ruthless during the Sports Festival, and those weapons you make are dangerous to boot."

She narrowed her eyes. "I acted that way to prove a point. If you took that sign of aggression as me displaying my villainous inner self, you are sorely mistaken. Also, I do not make weapons. I make support items."

Shigaraki laughed. "Support items? Those are weapons! No way around that. Do you think you're some self-righteous person by saying 'support item' instead of weapon? Support items hurt people. Heroes use them to hurt people. They're weapons."

"I wholeheartedly disagree. With our clashing beliefs, I do not think I would be a suitable member of your organization." Ayano was faintly reminded of her first few conversations with Fujiyoshi. Shigaraki sighed in annoyance.

"You and that Fiji-kid or whatever sure are different." The man with purple patches of skin remarked.

"What have you done with Fujiyoshi Yuudai." Ayano asked, getting back to her first question. The man smirked. "We didn't do anything to him. He turned you in allllll on his own."

Her eye twitched. "Ridiculous. You honestly think I would believe such a blatant lie?" The man shrugged his shoulders and shook his head nonchalantly. "Believe what you want. I'm just telling the truth. How do you think we knew you were going to be at U.A. at exactly that time and how do you think we knew you were going to be alone?"

Ayano processed the information for a moment before responding. "That has no bearing on his will. I am certain that you must hold something against him, if he even did do the things you are suggesting."

The man smirked again, chuckling. "You're really grasping at strings here, you know. You've got some faith in a guy you said you don't like."

"I may dislike him, but that does not mean I cannot have rational judgments. Fujiyoshi Yuudai is not the kind of boy you say he is." She responded with a small bite to her words.

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