Chapter One.

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Chapter 1.

When Ava 'Rook' Sanders first passed the police academy she thought her job would entail arresting the drunks, disorderly and the other usual things that officers have to deal with, not an entire army of batshit crazy cultists who had an impressive amount of artillery at their disposal including air support. It was said air support that had almost killed her and the US Marshal by shooting the concrete and iron bridge they'd been racing over, the now bullet ridden pick up they'd stolen now flying head first into the dark waters of the river below. Ava barely had time to inhale deep enough before the vehicle hit the water with an almighty splash, the cabin of the truck starting to fill immediately and the first tendrils of cold water grasped at her body and if her head hadn't collided with the dashboard with enough force to almost knock her out cold she probably would have started to panic but thankfully her mind had just enough clarity to kick her survival mode into gear and rather groggily she manoeuvred herself free from the seat and out of the open window. The young Deputy willed herself to make it to the surface refusing point blank to die in this backwards hell hole; her head throbbed and her lungs ached painfully in desperate need of air but she didn't stop until she was met with the gentle night breeze - her mouth opening and closing like that of a fish out of water as she tried to gulp as much oxygen as she could to sate her lungs.

"There's the other one, grab her before she gets away" was the only thing she heard as she clumsily pulled herself onto the grassy land, her hands to wet to grip anything and the mud beneath her made it that much more difficult for her to get to her feet "Rook! Run, run Rook!" her head turned towards Burke who had unfortunately already been caught and was now down on his knees, his words got him the butt of a gun to the side of his head for his troubles but the man had caused a distraction long enough for Ava to scramble to her feet and make a dash for it leaving her out of the grasp of the Peggie and him reaching for thin air "shit, go after 'em. Go, go!"

Sounds of shouting, gunfire and all around chaos faded the further she ran. Her feet and lungs protesting every step she took but her mind as groggy as it was told her if she stopped they'd find her and that just wasn't an option. It didn't take long until Ava spotted a watch tower not far from the wooded clearing and her heart soared in victory at finding somewhere well enough out of sight that she could use to catch her breath, take note of her injuries and try to get her bearings. Her movement now slow and purposeful as she made her way towards the chipped blue ladder that had clearly seen better days, the last thing she wanted was to step on a twig like one of those idiots you see in horror movies and give herself away, so she treaded carefully until her hands gripped the cold metal and silently she climbed until she reached the top making sure she was still somewhat alone before stretching herself out and breathing a sigh of relief at the temporary break in the shit storm.

Ava didn't know how long it had been since she'd escaped from those crazy fucks but she did know it was only a matter of time until they found her. If she could get to somewhere that had a radio or perhaps a weapons cache then she'd definitely feel better about the situation but that only happened in video games or to those that were extremely lucky - Ava was anything but lucky and as she carefully descended the ladder her mind pondered if breaking her moms mirrors when she was six had anything to do with it. Her mom was from a high class family who looked down upon those less fortunate, always made sure she had the best of everything and was one of the most imperious people she had ever known which explained why her mom had a room full of expensive mirrors that she'd collected over the years from the smallest hand held mirror to the largest one money could buy her mom had them all purely so she could preen and compliment herself from every angle. Ava had only been six years old at the time and even though she knew not to play in 'mommy's special room' the young child couldn't help but be curious as to what was hiding behind the door and decided that it was time for an adventure, her small hand pushed open the door and immediately she gasped at the sight; for a six year old child it was a sight to behold to witness all of these shiny mirrors in front of her. Fast-forward to being caught by her mom, a playful game of hide and seek on her part and a very angry mother in a room full of delicate items, well you can imagine the absolute horror when Ava tripped, stumbled and almost fell into one of the mirrors setting off a domino effect that left the majority of the room a complete and utter mess. Safe to say her mother was absolutely furious and punished her by taking all of her toys away for a month. Back then she cried and cried over it but now, she couldn't help but smile at the memory and praise her six year old self for pulling such a stunt even if it was by accident.

Her feet hit the floor with a soft thud as her gaze wandered over the bushes and trees in front of her, her ears strained to catch any sort of sound that was remotely human but she was met with nothing but silence. Taking this as a good sign Ava spun round on her heels deciding that she would try her luck with an hopefully abandoned cabin she'd noticed briefly in hopes of finding a weapon of some sort or a map but as she turned her eyes widened as the butt of a rifle collided with her skull making her drop to the floor. Her vision blurred as a large figure loomed over her making her scramble backwards in panic, her hands pushing her away from the figure as fast as possible ignoring the sharp twigs and stones that cut into her palms - the saying that hindsight is a wonderful thing floated around her brain making her want to slap herself but it was too late now and her back was against a wall, well tree but it didn't matter to Ava. She was stupid enough to linger for too long and now she'd gotten herself caught. She just prayed that whatever death they had in store for her was quick and painless. 

Her vision now clear enough to focus Ava willed herself not to show fear in front of the man but considering how fucked she was and just how intimidating he was the whole no fear thing really was a moot point. Her eyes landed on the green army jacket covering his torso and almost immediately she wanted to smash her head into the rough bark behind her.

J. Seed

Of all the siblings she had to get caught by it had to be Jacob fucking Seed. The murderous mountain man that tortured people or so she'd read a few hours earlier when a manila coloured file was handed to her with bits and pieces of information regarding the cult and the Seed family.

"When my scouts told me that they'd lost you I was a little disappointed but not surprised. However, when they tracked you down here I gotta say I expected more coming from a junior deputy but no matter, you'll learn or you'll die trying"

A bitter laugh fell from her lips which she regretted immediately from the glower he was throwing her way "somethin' funny, pup? The way I see it is you either come willingly and in one piece or I let you go and hunt you down with my judges and they rip you to shreds, your choice?" her gaze fell onto the growling wolves beside the scouts and Ava knew she'd never have a chance with them after her but that stubborn part of her refused to give in so she met Jacob's gaze and replied with "game on" before bringing her foot up and kicking the ginger man as hard as she could in the face before scrambling from the ground and running as fast as she could in the opposite direction. Jacob brought a hand up to his lip only to be met with a patch of crimson staining his fingers, a smirk tugged at his lips as he picked up his rifle and shouldered it Before signaling for his men to go after her. Both men and wolves took off in the direction she'd ran aside from one who stayed by Jacob's side "nice night for a hunt ain't it, boy"

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