Chapter Two.

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Fuck, fuck fuck. The only words that her brain could actually formulate in her current situation which was yet another hit to the head, an ankle that was possibly sprained and her entire body thrown into the back of a truck; her eyes covered with some form of dirty cloth and her hands bound with rope that burned the skin around her wrists. Apparently running from Jacob and his hunters was one of the most ridiculous ideas she'd ever had considering how much pain she was in and how exhausted she was and judging how the men in the front of the truck were acting Ava had a feeling that this was just the beginning.

Time seemed to drag as her body fell mercy to the long and bumpy roads. Ava gave up trying to memorise the route they were taking her, it was useless considering just how neverending the journey seemed to be and so she allowed her mind to drift to her father; complete opposite to her mom or so she'd been told - he was also a police officer that had unfortunately been killed in the line of duty when her mom was pregnant so Ava never got the chance to meet him. That was the one thing that drove Ava apart from her mother because she had every right to know who her father was and what kind of man he was but her mom acted as though he didn't exist, even going as far as removing all photos and everything related to him from their home. This came as a no surprise to the young brunette who still couldn't decide whether it was out of grief or if she really was a cold hearted bitch.

Soon enough the journey to the end of the earth came to a halt making the deputy perk up. Her heart beating that hard in her chest she thought it might explode from her Alien style, not that she wouldn't mind that right now in her current situation but alas, no chest bursting heart for her instead she was greeted with the sounds of growling, rabid barking and the screams and moans from what she assumed were wolves and other prisoners. What the actual fuck did she get herself into? She could have stayed and put up with Nancy bitching and moaning about her hours and possibly caved her traitorous skull in but nope, she just had to try and make an impression and hop on the doomed express.

The sounds of shuffling and the doors slamming jolted her out of her thoughts, her ears struggling to pick up anything over all of the background noise until the back of the truck was opened and two sets of arms grabbed at her before throwing her harshly on the ground making her cough and splutter.

"Well, well about time we got some fresh meat and this one is definitely fresh" of course the first person she'd see after having the blindfold ripped off would be Jacob. The man in question dropped to a knee and threaded his fingers through her hair only enough so he could grip it and yank her head upwards causing the woman to to close her eyes in pain; being left on her belly and her back being bent unnaturally wasn't helping not that Jacob cared and if he did Ava would probably die of shock, no this man didn't care about anything and that made her stomach fill with dread.

It was only a few minutes before he dropped his grip from her letting her chin hit the dusty ground with a soft thud "you're weak, look at you. Twice in one night you let yourself get caught I'm very disappointed. You'll soon learn that the weak have no purpose here but how quickly you learn that is up to you" as he spoke the two men that had driven her here roughly pulled her up onto her feet making her hiss in pain and Jacob grip her jaw tight enough Ava knew she'd be left with bruising "this time it's the lives of the few that outweigh the lives of the many and the few are strong so I suggest you start thinkin' about which side you're on" with that he let go, turned on his heel and headed towards rows and rows of cages signaling for them to follow which was pretty difficult when you only had one working ankle "that one" was all he said before she was thrown inside a dirty, almost rotten looking steel cage "watch my ankle you morons" she hissed trying her best to shift into a position that didn't twinge the injury but found it was too difficult due to her wrists still being bound. Jacob chuckled a deep low rumble from his chest at the outburst highly amused by just how feisty she was. A switchblade was now in his hands and Ava felt a wave of fear wash over her as he neared the cage only for that fear to subside as he cut her wrists free "I do love the feisty ones but do you know what I love more? Breakin' them. Watchin' every ounce of fight they once had just fade away until they're nothing more than a shell of their former selves" Jacob pulled away leaving Ava wandering what the hell she was going to do when she was met with "get some sleep, pup. You're gonna need it" and with that she watched as Jacob disappeared into a pretty dilapidated looking building.

Ava sighed in frustration rubbing each of her wrists gently before shifting to the furthest corner of the cage as she could and lying herself down, using her left arm as a pillow before drifting off into a restless sleep.

I Fell In Love With The Devil. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat