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"Don't you think Allah will punish me for doing this?" I ask innocently .
He grins , "No babygirl . Until you reach fourteen of age , you can commit any sin and you won't get punished."
I smile at his statement . I won't get punished !
"But you are 14." I say thinking about how much older he is than me .
"It's different for me". He replies nonchalantly.
I nod , not wanting to make him angry by asking stupid questions.
"I can't wait for you to get older , you are only 7 after all."
He grins , thinking about something.
"It feels wrong" I blurt out without comprehending my words . He looks at me angrily . "How many times do I have to tell you ? It's perfectly okay. Doesn't your mother and father hug you ? Don't they kiss you ? Does that mean they are doing something wrong too ?" He asks fuming
"N no" I stutter
"Then why does this feel wrong to you?" He asks grabbing one of my thighs.
"I am your brother and I love you " he continues.
"No , Adnan is my brother, you are my eldest cousin" I remind him. How stupid is he ? I giggle in my mind.
"It's the same" he assures me with a toothy grin.

*flashback ends*

I groaned as uninvited memories invade my mind. It's been so long but still I can't forget those dreadful days of my life. I close my eyes trying to push back those awful images and actually doing what I intended to do. Sleeping .

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