Electra's POV - Sunset Hues

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I bunched up my legs and pushed off, stretching my wings out as soon as we cleared the tree tops. Amy seemed to be deep in thought, probably about Liam. I imagined the bond between Amy and I and sent a message to her.

[As normal, Amy's mind thoughts will be in normal text whilst Electra's will be in italics]

Amy, are you OK


What do you think about Liam?

I, I don't know

How come?

My heart tells me to trust him but my brain tells me he is a traitor

That's understandable.

What do you think?

Well, your heart is going to be biased because you are brother and sister.

Isn't my brain going to be biased as well though - we've heard so many things about Liam.

True, but he keeps Phantom in chains. I can't even talk to him. He's a prisoner due to his own rider.

I see what you mean but the prophecy says-

Anger rushed through my body and my tail thrashed about.

Are you serious? You are going to let some prophecy guide us through our life. You should join Liam because you want to and when you are absolutely certain that we can trust him. Also, trust is a double edged sword. Just because you trust him, it doesn't mean he trusts you

You're right. I can't believe I agreed to follow him based on a few words. How does the prophecy even go again?

A huntress she shall be
The first of many to ride
A true master she could be
If she doesn't join her brother on the shadow side
Together they would rule the world
Shadow and light, side by side,
But if she rebels her destiny
A Great War, there will be
And the fates may create a new path
One where she will escape her destiny

How do you know that?

I have a good memory. The prophecy says you could be a true master of your powers if you don't join Liam.

But how else am I meant to learn?

The book?

The book that was planted by Liam in the library. I either join him or I create a "Great War".


I'm so stupid! I should have spoken with you before agreeing to this.

Well, you did say when you want to leave, you'll leave.

We will leave. How about now?

I snorted in reply and turned round. I saw Liam look round in surprise. His face fell when he realised what we were doing.

I flapped my wings and we started on the long flight back to the Academy.

The sky was starting to darken and and I mindlinked Amy.

Look at the sunset!

The warmth of the sun diminished as it sank below the horizon, the sky turning slowly darkening. The stars were raising their sleepy heads and twinkling. I could see the constellation of Ursa Minor, the little bear. I had heard that in some worlds, they were just constellations but in our world, they all had life, stories and dreams. The little bear who fled when his Father, Ursa Major, started to bully him. I could also see the plough, used by the God Uracus, The God of Work. It symbolised that hard work could get you anywhere in life, as he had been a simple farmer who had offered to plough a field for a young man so he could start a life, not realising that the man was a God. The sky had turned into purple hues, then orange, then red, then it was night.

I glided down to Training Field B and gave a long yawn. My rider laughed just as some frantic shouts were heard:


"Where have you been?"

"We were so worried!"

Adam, Barney, Cherry and Stephen were racing across the grass towards us, followed by Furnace, Arctic, Atlas, Cedar and Striker.

"Electra! I was so worried,". Striker gasped for breath as he came skidding to a stop before me. "What happened? Are you ok? Are you tired? You must be tired. Are you hungry?".

I snorted with laughter. "Striker, calm down. I'm fine,".

Furnace ran towards me and we immediately touched noses.

"Elec are you ok?"

Striker frowned. "Elec? What kind of nickname is that?"

Furnace looked down.

I frowned. What was with Striker right now? "Well I like it" I said defensively. "Right Furn?".

Furnace bobbed his head "You coming Elec?"

Together we led the way back to the stables, the other dragons following behind. Striker dropped to the back of the group and walked, with his head down.

Furnace nudged me. "Furn? That's the best you could come up with?"

I looked down. "It was the best I could come up with"

He nudged me. "Hey I like it!"

And together we walked inside, ready for food and then sleep.

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