Tsuyu:"and when he's around her he becomes less violent"

Katsuki:"you girls better hope he never hears that or your dead"


Ochako:"izu (calls him this when they are alone) were are you talking me"*leads her outside to a tree*

Izuku:*pins her to tree puts his forehead against hers* "I know that your family has money troubles so I decided I'll be bringing you food"

Ochako:"izuku you don't have t-" *silences her by giving her a passionate kiss*

Izuku:*whispers into her ear* "your mine so that means I am going to be taking care of you wether you like it or not unless you don't want to be mine"

Ochako:"no I want to be yours now and forever"

Izuku:*chuckles* "I'm so happy to hear that I can't imagine my life without you princess now let's eat"


(They are sitting facing each other with their foreheads touching )

Izuku:"hey princess we need to talk"

Ochako:"what's it about"

Izuku:"well my parents want to meet you today"

Ochako:"they want to meet me"

Izuku:"don't worry they'll love you"

Ochako:"what time"

Izuku:"were leaving right after school"

Ochako:"if you really think that's a good idea then ok"

Izuku:"you trust me that much"

Ochako:"you were the one who protected me at the USJ and not to mention during the entrance exam so of course I'll trust you babe"


Izuku:"well are you ready"

Ochako:"as ready as I'll ever be"

*They enter the house*

Izuku:"I'm home"

Mitsuki:"it's about time is this her"

Izuku:"back up you old hag"

Ochako:"izu you should be nicer to your mom"

Masaru:"yes izu be nice to your mother"

Izuku:"shut up old man"

Ochako:"izu be nice"

Mitsuki:"oh I like her"

Masaru:"I do to"

Mitsuki:"I'm mitsuki bakugou this is my husband masaru bakugou it's good to meet ya"

Ochako:"I'm ochako uraraka it's a pleasure to meet you"

Mitsuki:"I'm going to get right to the point I like you"

Masaru:"same here"

Mitsuki:"so have you considered becoming a bakugou"

Ochako:"I um"

Izuku:"that's it were leaving" *grabs ochako's hand and takes her to his room*

Mitsuki:"you two better not do anything I'm not ready to be a grandma yet"

Ochako:"well it looks like they like me"

Izuku:"ya but they are really annoying any way here we are"

Ochako:"wow I really like your room"

Izuku:"well what do you want to do"

Ochako:"can you read to me"


Ochako:"I just want to hear your voice"

Izuku:"ok sure what do you want me to read"*huge blush on his face*

Ochako:"here this is my favorite book"*they lay down on the bed next to each other*


Mitsuki:"so ochako would you like izuku to walk you home"

Izuku:"there is no way in hell we are going out this late I can't risk her getting hurt she's staying the night"

Masaru:"were is she going to sleep"

Izuku:"in my room"

Ochako:"I-i-izuku we can't do that we aren't married"

Mitsuki:"and what part of not ready to be a grandma didn't you understand"

Izuku:"everyone calm down look ochako can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the sofa"

Ochako:"izu I'll sleep on the sofa I am a guest after all"

Izuku:"no I'm sleeping on the sofa and that's final*grabs her hand and takes her to his room*now good night I'll see you in the morning princess"*kisses her on the forehead and closes the door*

Masaru:"wow she really changed you hasn't she"

Izuku:"shut up old man"

Masaru:"tell me do you intend on making her a bakugou"

Izuku:"no that's never gonna happen I'm going to sleep"

Masaru:"don't forget to wake up for school"

Izuku:"it's Saturday tomorrow old man no school"

Ochako:*she was listening through the door*'izuku doesn't want to marry me I can't say I thought he would but hearing him say that out loud really hurts'


Izuku:*feels someone trying to wake him up* "what do yo- oh princess is everything ok"

Ochako:"well the bed felt empty so can I sleep here with you"

Izuku:"of course princess"

(Izuku is in the edge of the sofa so that she doesn't fall in her sleep and they are facing each other)

Ochako:"hey izuku something has been bothering me"

Izuku:"who is it I swear to god I'll kill them if they hurt you"

Ochako:"no it's not that it's just I heard your conversation with your dad and why don't you want to marry me I know that most people don't marry their high school girlfriend but I thought we were different"

Izuku:"princess trust me I intend to make you mine so only I can touch you I could never find someone so perfect for me I love you with all of my heart"

Ochako:"then why did you tell your dad no" *now crying*

Izuku:"you miss understood I said you will never be a bakugou because I love your name so much its the name I fell in love with so I'll become izuku uraraka"*hugs her tightly*

Ochako:"thank you my prince"


Masaru:"mitsuki wake up you have to see this"

Mitsuki:"masaru it's to early what is it"

Masaru:"just come"

Mitsuki:"fine but if I don't like it I'll kick your ass*they go to the living room and find ochako sleeping on top of izuku with his hands at her waist*really that's it"*whisper*

Masaru:"no listen and record this" *she does so and he makes a noise*

Ochako(sleeptalking):"izuku the kids are making noise you go check I'm tired"

Izuku(sleeptalking):"I don't want to I'm to comfortable"

Mitsuki:"he is so going to hate us for this I'm sending it to inko"
How was it good bad let me know see you next week

Izuocha one shot (Izuku x Ochako) Where stories live. Discover now