Chapter 1: VLive

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(all usernames are fake)

(Edited): 28/09/2019
Edited: 19/05/2020

@A_STAN000: OMG sooooooo cute!!!

@KpopForLIFE!!_0988: IKR!!! Btw are gonna adopt one?

@707_LOL_: YASSSSSSSSS please do, these cuties NEED to be adopted! #HybridsAreHumanToo

3rd POV:


"Hey, guys! right now we're at the 'Hybrid Care Centre', it would be a big help if you guys donate here to support all the Hybrids that were sadly abused or abandoned" Namjoon said holding a mini camera, making his way to the feline area, where Yoongi was getting attack by cats.

Namjoon then set up the camera against the wall so it could stand on its own, he began to make his way to Yoongi to set him free from the cats. While he was doing that the Maknae line came in and decided that the Feline encloser would be a good start to look around.

It was a peaceful moment for the boys, to interact with the hybrids in their main or other forms. However, they didn't go to close to the hybrids who rushed far away from immediately, most likely due to the traumatic experience they had with other humans. It was all interrupted with a sudden loud 'bang' coming from the front entrance of the building, the loud sound had quickly alerted all the hybrids and employees. Jungkook turned to the side and saw about three or four employees running but was soon accompanied by the medic team that took care of injured clients or hybrid. He felt the cat that had laid on his lap, quickly got off and went into their main forms, as well as other hybrids who followed suit and went over to the window to see the commotion.

"What do you think you're doing!?  Bring this injured hybrid into the centre in such critical condition!" 

"We found him near the ally-way when we were getting supplies. We couldn't leave him there in such a condition!"

"What do you want us to do? Those scars on his back are way too large for us to bandage up! We don't even have enough supplies to stitch it close, we gotta get this hybrid  to the hospital for the professionals to handle!"

"There isn't any time for that! The hospital nearby is too far, by then he'll lose too much blood that may lead to his death! We're supposed to help all hybrids in need, so we could at least try and cover his wounds to stop the blood"

"Its pointless, he's going to die and there is nothing we could do about it...its either take him to the hospital or leave him to die!"


Walking over, Namjoon had already turned off the camera and headed over to the scene of flooded employees surrounding the lobby. It was clear, from the panic faces of the employees and the rather loud argument, to piece the puzzles together and know what the situation was about.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but I think you should listen to what your colleague is trying to say" Walking beside the two employees, he looked over to the injured hybrid that was mentioned in their conversation, to gasp in shock. From behind the members walked over and looked most over him, from his sides or shoulder, having to also gasp or make disgusted faces due to the horrific sight they were seeing.

The hybrid was indeed male and had three large claw marks that reached from his shoulders to his waist, the blood on the boy's back was mostly dried out but still leaked onto the floor and the employee's clothes from having to carry him. There was also the fact that his right ear had slightly been bitten off, not full but it still must've hurt.

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