#4. The Few More Years of an Otaku

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AN: Comment and share this poem to your fellow Otaku. Enjoy the update ^__^

- Sejuru


Honestly, when I read your letter, I was split into halves,

I was annoyed by your persistence, but I admire you because you’re tough,

A part of me is saying everything is a lie, the other said I should believe,

But I decided to choose the latter one, so please smile and feel the relief.

Okay, you win, but this doesn’t mean I lose,

Don’t attempt to play a game with my heart, stop this if you’re not serious,

I hope that giving you a chance won’t be one of my regrets in the end,

I hope that my decent view of reality, you will help me to amend.

When you said you’re now an Otaku, I think we’ll get along,

When you said in the past Anime is boring, now you know you’re wrong!

Welcome to the world of Anime, congratulations for becoming an Otaku!

Welcome to my heart, teach me more how to fall for you.

However, please listen, I also have something to confess,

Please don’t be shocked, this isn’t really that serious, I guess?

I’m only giving you thirty-two years, if ever I will become yours,

I was given a life expectancy, and to accept this fact, I was forced.

I was diagnosed for having a sickle cell Anemia disease,

My doctor said I only have remaining thirty-two years before I cease to exist,

Through the help of Anime and my parents, I have accepted this fact a long time ago,

But with you entering my life, I don’t want to put you in sorrow.

This is why in advance, I want you to know,

That falling in love with me might only hurt your soul,

If you want to stop right now, then please do so,

I will understand, I can always move on with my life you know.

Knowing someone love me like this, I’m already satisfied,

Please don’t pity my condition, I’ll punch you hard if you try,

You know when I discovered Anime, it seems as if I have lived twice,

Then when I met you, it feels as if I have three lives. 

A Love Letter For An OtakuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin