Events Leading Up to This

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Collions' POV

11 years and i still couldn't get over my mom and dad's death. I still had Raven at least, but instead of comforting her, i did the exact opposite. I abused her. Me, her now 21 year old brother since she was 7, 7!!!

Since i had only been 11 at the time, we had to live with our aunt Beatrice and uncle Morty in Canada. They were a lovely couple, but far too oblivious. They had a son living in Britain and a daughter schooling in France. We often only saw them during the holidays.

It was only when they weren't around that i hit and insulted her, calling her names i can not repeat for it would make me even more disgusted at myself. This went on for 7 years. When i finally turned 18 and gained full guardianship of Raven. Raven had stopped talking after that night. I always expected her to scream at me when i hut her but she never did. The most sound she made were little groans of pain.

I continued to abuse her, finding the pleasure and relief from it. I know sick right? I always wondered why, just why would our parents risk their lives to protect her? What was so important about her that mom and dad got themselves killed? I hated the fact she had been there, at home. I hated the fact she was mostly the reason our parents died, so i hated her.

Abusing her always made me feel better,no i didn't touch her like that. I'm not a sick pervert mind you. So on the 22nd of December, (I'm 21 and she was soon to be 17 in 3 days) i decided to give her a nice good beating, evn though she did nothing.

"I'm back!" I called out.

She came scurrying to the front door keeping her head down. She took my coat and bag(i was a proud business man climbing my way to the top) when i slapped her hard. She bit the inside of her cheek from the pain but otherwise did nothing. Just for the heck of it, i beat her. Kicking and punching and slapping till i had nothing more to give, leaving her on the cold hard floor.

Raven never speaks. In fact,it's been so long since she has last spoken that I've forgotten the sound of her voice and to be honest,i miss it, alot.

I ate all my Chicken Alfredo: whic Raven had so wonderfully prepared. I loved her cooking soo much, it kinda reminded me of mom's.  Letting out a sigh, i got up to fo do some paper work before going off to bed.

The next morning, i awoke early. I finished dressing in a business suit, brushing my teeth and combing my hair. I went over to Raven's room and carefully opened the door.

Walking over to where she slept, i gently brushed aside some of her black inky hair from her face and kissed her forehead softly.

"I'll be back soon Raven. I know you hate me and i hate myself too. You probably don't know, but I've been going on these 'business trips' more often because I'm trying to change for you." With that said, i walked out, got in my car and drove off.

Here goes nothing.


Well, thats a wrap for this chapter. Bold is Collions' thoughts and the guy above is Collions.

With all that said, hope you enjoyed😁😁💙

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