Chapter 9: Never underestimate a woman with willpower

Start from the beginning

"Of course. But I insist. I will make some tea." She shuffled toward the kitchen.

The excellent time to get rid of problem número uno. The granddaughter. So, I stood up and went to sit next to the girl. I put on a sweet smile.

I heard Drew say something like "oh god". He knows what I wanted to do.

" what's your name?"

"Stephanie... " she said a bit uncomfortably.

"Hey Stephanie. I want you to go upstairs."

She looked a bit surprised. Of course, she used her 'I don't know what she's taking about act'. Maybe she is involved and plays a game with me. I don't trust anyone.

"Why would I go upstairs? Don't tell me what to do."

"Just. Go." I lowered my voice to show I was serious about this.

"No way. Why should I listen to you?" She spat.

"Maybe" I took out the gun and showed it to her "because I have the power here." I smirked, her smile fell of her face.

She almost let out a scream but I gave her an angry look. She kept her mouth shut.

"Now go upstairs."

She walked away with a scared expression. Good. She knows nobody messes with me. Smart girl.

"You know you could be a little less.."

"A little less what?"

"A little less ... extra." He whispered. "Extra?"

"Yes extra, as in intense. It's a slang you kno- okay, not important. But less intense next time." He rambled.

"That's my job. And also yours so shut up. We still have to kill the tea lady."

Drew wanted to say something but the woman walked towards us. She handed me a cup of tea. I thanked her and sipped a little bit.

"Can I use your toilet please?" I asked, putting down my cup again.

I had to go investigate this house. And I wanted to make sure that girl wasn't causing any trouble.

Drew rolled his eyes at me. He seemed to read me well, hmm, maybe we are good partners. He knew what I wanted to do. I just smiled at him.

"Of course, my dear. It's on your right."

"Thank you."

I rolled my eyes at her kindness. She acted like she was the sweet old woman everybody knows here.

After looking a few seconds in the hall, I realized I had to do something. That Steph- girl was still wandering around in this house and I can't have that now. She could call the police or someone else and then Drew and I had to deal with another problem. I quickly went upstairs. I guessed the room of , what was her name again?, was upstairs. So, I searched through the corridors. For an old lady she sure had a big house.

Suddenly light emerged from under one of the doors illuminating part of the hallway. Good. I found her. Without knocking or saying something I burst into the room. Stephanie clearly freaked out because she saw me. She should be afraid.

"W...wha....what are you doing here?"

"Came to say hello?"

I showed her one of my fake smiles. She still acted like she didn't know anything? I thought she would be smarter than that.

"Drop the act sweetie. I see right through you." I pointed my finger at her.

"What act?" her voice trembled.

She really looked like she didn't know what I was talking about. Maybe I'm too observant, or too paranoid.

"Come here." I gestured with my hand.

She was probably scared of me because she walked towards me. I grabbed her elbow and pinched her on the right place. Her body went limp and she fell to the ground.

"One down. "

I had to lay this kid on the bed. It would look like she was sleeping. Pretty good idea I can say. So, I dragged the girl to her bed. I grabbed her blanket and threw it on her. As I stood up I looked at my creation and noticed the blanket just laying on her legs looked ridiculous. I sighed and pulled the blanket up to her chin, tugging her in as if I just put her to bed, that made me laugh a bit.

No time to waste, I needed to go downstairs. I had some old lady killing thing to do. I wondered why she was an extremely dangerous person. But as I already said: never underestimate an old lady's will power. According to Mr Black she had the map. The piece of the plan she had was the frigging map. I was kind of pissed we had to go all the way to this stupid town just to get a map. But every part was important I suppose. Mr Black had to get all the parts so the criminals couldn't make a bomb that could kill us all. It wasn't my job to question him or anyone in the agency.

When I entered the living room I saw probably the funniest thing in the world. The old lady was beating up Drew. Yes. She. Was. Beating. Up. Drew. Isn't that hilarious! A trained agent against an old lady! If this isn't the funniest thing ever I didn't know what to think anymore.

So the first thing I did wasn't helping the guy, instead I laughed. I laughed like there was no tomorrow. Was it even possible to laugh that much? Drew raised his blood covered eyebrows at me. That lady had hit him on the head.

"Hey partner. Help me out here!" He grunted.

He had manged to yell it before the lady almost hit him with her stick.

"Nah I'm good." I snorted, letting myself fall on the couch, while the Mrs. Smith was screaming profanities at Drew. I chuckled and picked up my cup of tea and took a sip, hmm, I wonder what kind of tea flavour this is.

I guess I had to help him out at some point. That lady really was strong. When I decided to help 'the poor guy' I felt something or better someone behind me. But before I could turn arms had grabbed me.

"Mom! What do I have to do now!"

Mom? Did Mrs Smith daughter just grabbed me? This was an easy one! The daughter was strong I could feel that. But I'm stronger. I pushed her back and kicked her in the face with my foot. She tumbled backwards and accidentally grabbed my 'belt' in the process and giving it a good tug. It made me press into my stomach hard, I gasped. Even more when I felt the entire belt leave my body.. she just grabbed my  knives and gun. That bitch! Now I had to kill her with my bare hands. That's so much more effort.

Behind me I heard the old lady scream. I think Drew was doing his job. I focused on my new target.

"Bad choice to do this missy" I said with a smirk.

"I know why you're here! Don't kill my mom. Don't kill me! We aren't the bad guys" the woman desperately yelled. Not all begged, but enough did. Never, never let anyone convince you.

"Of course, and I didn't kill people. That's a lie just like yours. So, shut up and accept the fact that you and your precious mom are going to die"

She got a shocked expression on her face, an expression of dread. She knew she was going to die.

"How can a girl go that far?" I heard her whisper.

She can't get to me, not anymore. I hit her again so she fell to the floor. Hmm that was easier than I thought it would be.

She let go of my belt and I grabbed in it. I putted it back on and grabbed my gun.

"Any last words?"

"Yes. I love you mom." She said, turning towards where her mum was. She closed her eyes.

I didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger. A short, high noise, a hole between her eyes and she was dead.

I heard Drew wasn't fighting the woman anymore.

Mission complete.

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