"Ok?.." I looked at both of them but shrugged and laughed, then looked a Sal.

"Hey Sally Face? You wanna go there together or what?" I asked crouching down and looking up at him since he was still sitting on Larry's bed looking down.

He had wide eyes looking at me. Then looked away a bit and held his pigtails with red ears.

"Uh, Yeah! Sure! Ill meet you there, I just have to do something first." he said with a smile, but he then pushed me back and held his prosthetic nose. "And could you move away from my face? Your breath stinks like sardines, man!" He joked.

"Whatever mannn!! You're just jealous that I smell great!" I jokingly punched his arm and gathered my stuff.

"Well, I'll see you later Sal!" I waved at him then, went to Larry and also punched his arm as a sign of 'See ya later!' And exit with the door closed behind me..


'She's nice..'

I thought while looking at Larry, who had a HUGE shit eating grin on his face. "What?" I asked Larry, He then bombarded me with tons of insults.

"You like her don't you?" He asked while looking back at his painting with a smirk this time.

"Wha-No! Only as a friend!" I answered back while reading one of Larry's magazines about Metal bands.

"Pshh.. Yeah right, as if man." He said over his shoulder while painting again.

"Come on Larry face, I don't like her like that! Besides! I told you! I like Ash!"

"Ash? Ohh.. So how's it going between you and her?" Larry asked me going to his bed sitting beside me removing some paint from his hands.

"Dude... I-I don't really know..." I removed my prosthetic and felt my face heat up more and more, with just an image of Ash in my head.

"So what? Are yah gonna confession or not?" Larry chuckled and pat my back.

"I can't tell her immediately! What if she doesn't like me back? Then what would I do? Our friendship is in jeopardy here, man." I yelled a bit looking at him with a blush still on my scarred face.

I was by far the mast awkward person when it comes to these types of things.

"Fine... But don't say I didn't warn yah man." he paused for a second and rubbed his chin, "Let's say that she 'loves someone else'? Then what're you going to do about it?" He did invisible quotation marks on the air then shrugged.

I jerked my face to my hands again and groaned. "I dunno man! I don't want to talk about this right now."

"Whatever man. Atleast you'll still have Y/n." He smirked once more then laughed.

"DUDE!" I punched his arm.

"B-but if she doesn't like me back?" I asked him.

"Who? Y/n?"

"No, Ash."

"Well then let us just see what the future holds." He winked at me, while I made vomiting sounds. "That was cringeee." I laughed.

"Whatevah Sally Face." Larry stood back up and tried to finish his painting.

"Well, gtg! The dinner will start soon. Mabye I could get to know Y/n more." I said while putting my mask on again.

"Get someee!!" Larry encouraged then smiled cheekily.

"Stoooppp." I punched his arm again and exited through the door.

"Remember! Try and get to know her Kay?" Larry said while still fix elated on his painting.

"Hmm.. Mabye I will... BUT!-" I was cut off with Larry pushing me out the door of the apartment and opening the elevator.

"No BUTS! Their only for smacking and shitting! Now go get er' tiger!" He said and pushed in the elevator.

"Ah-" I was cut off with tye elevator door shutting and Larry ging me a thumbs up.

I fixed my mask again and groaned...

'This is going to be a long night... For me at least...'


[3rd Person]

Some time later the Blue-nette went insde his apartment to be greeted by his Dad with a decent looking attire and a comb over.

"Dad? What's gotten you so fancy?" Sal asked his Father crossing his arms and looking at his father top to bottom.

"Oh hey kiddo! We're going to the L/n's in a few minutes! Wear something nice! Kay Bud?" His father asked his son with a fatherly stare.

"Sure Dad." Sal answered then went in his room.

Once he got to his room he ran all the way to his dresser and rummaged through all of it. His closest was consisted of his signature sweaters and SF shirts. There where also socks, and marion jeans scattered around the closet.

Clawing through his other clothes he found a white button up shirt. He could easily pair it with the maroon jeans and live on with his life.

He took a quick shower and tried to fix his long unkept hair. Note: TRIED. He ended up with the same hairstyle but atleast with different clothes... sort of..

He looked at himself in the mirror as he sighs in content.

"Sal? Bud lets go!" His father said at the living room."Coming!" He said then exited the room.

He was so nervous but at the same time exited... because he gets to see Y/n and Get to know her better. And Hangout with Her...


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