"Yeah," he exaggerated, feeling stressed by the topic, "but what good is that idea if I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry Ron" Mrs. Possible continued talking, "college isn't for everyone. Kim's Uncle Slim went to college, but now look where he is. Living out his days in peace ranching in Montana."

"See," Ron exclaimed over-dramatically, "why can't life be that simple."

"It does seem that way, but that was his back-up plan."

"So..." Ron pondered, "you're saying I should become a rancher."

"No Ron," she chuckled, "I'm saying you should have a back-up plan in case things don't work out."

"Oh, oh, Oh Yeah, right. A back-up plan!!"

"Don't worry," she continued, "you'll figure it out." All Ron could say was thanks before Kim rushed back and grabbed Ron by the wrist.

"C'mon Ron, I'm gonna be late" she said, pulling him from his seat. They shouted a quick goodbye to Kim's parents as they left the house and drove off.


Kim walked in with Monique after their shift at Club Banana. They had been talking all day about what had been happening in their lives and were just now getting to the topic of Ron.

"So girl," Monique said, "how are you guys?"

"Given our circumstances, they're... ok." Kim said it with a smile but tried to hide her doubtfulness.

"Are they really?"

"What do you mean?"

"You and Ron have been together your whole lives," Monique explained, "and you guys haven't been the same since you went to school in Europe. You're telling me the distance hasn't changed your relationship."

"Well now that you mention it," Kim answered, "we have been kind of distant from each other, and whenever we do see each other, it's usually during missions or doing the same things we did in high school."

They found a booth along the windows and took their seats, saving a spot for Ron. "What's wrong with that?" Monique inquired.

"Nothing's wrong Monique," Kim argued, "I just miss the spark of it all, you know."

"You two need a break from things and time to be with each other."

"You mean like... a romantic getaway."

"Exactly that!" Monique said with excitement.

"I don't know," Kim stressed, "me and Ron have never done something like that before. Plus, neither of us could afford anything past Upperton."

"Kim, you've been dating the guy for three years, with zero mishaps. How long are you willing to come here every afternoon and the occasional romantic date.' Kim knew Monique's words had meaning, that she and Ron were stuck in a repetitive cycle that could ultimately end their romantic relationship. In her heart, Kim still loved Ron for who he was and for standing by her no matter what, but she wanted their love life to be a bit more spontaneous.

Suddenly, the main doors opened wide, as Ron strutted inside like he owned the place. "Afternoon ladies, are we ready for some Naco-licious snacking?" Monique gave him a quickly fist bump while Kim greeted him with a quick peck on the cheek and a hug. "The usual salad KP?"

"Always" she smiled and Ron strutted up to the counter to order the food. Both girls watched him til he was out of earshot.

"Just ask him," Monique spoke, making Kim turn her head back, "maybe he feels the same way." Soon enough, Ron returned with a large tray of two Nacos and salad.

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