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She sat herself on a distant shore where the waves caressed her dainty feet like a warm blanket as she waited for him to return to her.

"I am here and yet you are everywhere. How long must I wait for you my love?"

She asked herself with a small smile. Her golden mane danced in the setting sun before she felt his presence merely right behind her.

"I am with you always..."


Cold seeped into her body as she clenched her teeth to keep them from chattering.

The scent of blood was in the air as she pawed on the ground littered with dead bodies with faces she knew.

"Where are you?!"

Her screams echoed across the battlefield before something sharp hit her side where her heart lay.

Roars of pain came out of her mouth as she lay down upon the feet of her enemy. Her growls of anger did nothing but made her enemy laugh loud for slaying a once great beast.

The last thing she heard was another roar.

One that speaks of anguish and anger.



Leandre woke up with a start as she surveyed the room with her mind disoriented by the dream she had. It was getting to be quite...irritating.


The door to her bedroom burst open and in came Mrs. Pevensie as the woman grabbed her firmly by the arm and pulled her off.

"Come on dear! The bombs are coming!"

Leadre had no idea what was happening but when she heard her favorite cousin, Lucy, scream just across the hallway her, her mind went into action and all sleep was gone from her face.

Mrs. Pevensie had gone to get Edmund and Peter while Leandre decided to wake Susan up.

Bursting through the door, Leandre immediately flung the sheets off Susan making the girl shoot up from her bed.

"Susan get Lucy, I'll go find some supplies"

Susan grabbed all the necessary things she needed before she headed off to Lucy's room. Leandre grabbed a couple of blankets and storybooks for Lucy and flashlights.

"Come on!"

Peter's voice filled in the hallways as the sound of the bombs going off went a little too close for Leandre to be calm about.

"No! No wait!"

Edmund's voice shouted off as he struggled in his brother's grip. By then, everyone was already running towards the shelter in their night clothes.

"Wait! Dad!"

Edmund yelled in surprise as he slipped himself off of Peter's grasp "Ed!" Peter screamed as Leandre opened the door to the shelter and placed a sobbing Lucy in a nearby bed.

"Peter come back!"

Mrs. Pevensie screamed after her sons before Susan and Leandre pulled her inside as the sounds of alarms went off.

Susan held Lucy on the bed as Mrs. Pevensie waited by the door. The poor woman nearly had a heart attack when a bomb went off that was too close to the house where Peter and Edmund are.

It was to her immense relief that Peter and Edmund came running out in the back.


"Come on!"

Leandre caught a breathless Edmund as they both tumbled into her pile of blankets while Peter stood in the doorway.

"Why can't you think of anything but yourself, you're so selfish! You could've been killed!"

"Stop it!"

Mrs. Pevensie said in a stern voice to Peter as the boy heaved in and out of uneven breaths. He almost died and all because of Edmund to grab a single photo of their father!

Leandre whispered soothing words to Edmund as the boy clutched the broken photo of his father. It was the only thing that gave him comfort aside from Leandre.

"Why can't you just do as your told?"

Peter asked to a shivering Edmund as he hugged his mum "Peter that's enough now. We've all been through worse, let's not make anymore" Leandre said soothingly as Peter closed the door of the shelter.

The Pevensie family waited out the bombs with heavy hearts.

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