chapter 1 (?)

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Yamikumo had found himself in his alternate self's bedroom. How he got here? The details were fuzzy. All he could remember was himself getting hit by a dimension hopping quirk and that he would be stuck in whatever universe he landed in for 3 hours.

He had came face to face with his alternate self, and explained who he was and how he had got here. The other quickly understood and introduced himself as Izuku Midoriya.

Now, what is a weird hormonal boy like him to do when he meets himself from an alternate universe? He started devising a plan.

"You're just like me!" Izuku beamed, his hands on the Yamikumo's shoulders. "It's like looking in a mirror!"

Yamikumo took a step back, releasing himself from the other's grasp. "I can't say the same thing for myself."

"You look so," He took a pause to get a better look at the boy. "Happy. Innocent." Plus the dumb green hair, he silently added.

Izuku frowned. "I wouldn't call myself innocent." He pointed an accusing finger at him. "I've been through a lot, you know!"

An indescribable expression flashed on Yamikumo's face. "Hm. Shall we put that to the test, then?"

Izuku squinted at him, confusion in his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

Yamikumo smirked. "Ever been fucked, 'Zuku?"

Internally, Yamikumo was groaning out of embarrassment after that comment from just how hard he was trying. It felt like he was the main character of some cheap homemade porno.

"N-No?" Izuku stammered, "I ... I don't even think about that stuff."

"Huh, that's strange, considering that you and I are supposedly the same person." Yamikumo said, a devilish grin beginning to form. "Katsuki and I fuck all the time. Sometimes even in the halls after school, when no one's around. Or at least, that's what we think."

Izuku stared at him with wide eyes. "With.. Kacchan?"

"What? I'm sure you two get boners for each other in this dimension too." He chuckled to himself after saying that, this situation and the plan he was about to carry out really was ridiculous.

Izuku bit his lip and found interest in the floor.

Yamikumo placed his fingers on Izuku's chin, and gently raised his head so he was forced to lock eyes with him. "Oh, why so secretive now? You don't have to hide anything from me. We are the same person after all, aren't we?"

Izuku gulped, and felt something throb in his pants. "You're right."

Yamikumo released his hand from him, satisfied. "Good."

He took a step towards Izuku, causing him to back against the wall. "Now, tell me the things you want 'Kacchan' to do to you."

Izuku felt his throat become dry. "I ... I want to become his, I want him to dominate me and make me forget everything except my love for Kacchan."

Woah, Izuku just went straight for it. He shrugged off this thought and continued.

Yamikumo frowned sympathetically, but his eyes told something else. "But a poor, sick virgin like you won't be able to get that." He gently put a strand of Izuku's hair behind his ear and closed the distance between them. "At least ... not without practice."

Izuku felt himself clawing at the wall behind him.

"See, now this is the perfect opportunity. You get to practice with a superior version of yourself that has experience, so when Katsuki finally has had enough of this sexual tension, you'll be able to wreck him and he'll fucking love it. He'll practically be begging for you."

Yamikumo began to press his thigh against Izuku's crotch, hitting all the right places. "So, what'd you say, 'Zuku?" He purred in his ear, digging his thigh further as Izuku's squirming intensified.

He couldn't help but moan a yes.

Yamikumo smiled, cupping a hand to his cheek and watched as Izuku press himself against it.

"Good boy."


i hate myself for making this and i probably won't continue this

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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