♡Sweet Like Honey Lavender♡

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[♡]; OPD!Matt x Shy!Female!Reader ;[♡]
[♡]; Requested by @RinaEight420 ;[♡]
Warning(s);Rough sex, Bbbbb-
B o n d a g e ? Soft bondage, after care. If unpleased with these topics, please skip this chapter/Story. Thank you, Enjoy!

It was midnight and all the boys were asleep, besides two. (Y/N) and Matt, the two who always seemed to avoid each other, why? It was clear to tell (Y/N) had a major crush on Matt her she never had the guts to confess, maybe tonight? Maybe not.

(Y/N) was currently laying in bed as she stared at her ceiling while hugging a stuffy Matt had gotten her for her birthday, cute I guess. Any who, (Y/N) made a soft whine as she sat up in bed and climbed out, she was quite lonely and knew Matt was the only one awake. She slowly walked out of her bedroom while walking down the dark hallway over to the spruce door with a small purple sign with the words 'Matt's room, keep out!'. Of course (Y/N) wouldn't have cared since it was Matt and she was really the only one allowed in his room, even just alone.

(Y/N) soon was in front of the door as she gulped and knocked before opening up the door and walked in, shutting the door behind her, "Lock it." (Y/N) had flinched from the voice, but did as told as she locked the door and released a small whimper. Matt was on his bed only in his boxers while having bandages wrapped around his chest from some fight he had gotten in that no one knew about, but (Y/N) was a bit scared to ask why he was like that, "What is it, (Y/N)?"

"I-I, um, I couldn't-I..."
"You couldn't sleep and you wanted to see if you could sleep with me?"

(Y/N) nodded shyly as Matt sighed and laid down patting the spot next to him. She quickly went over and laid down next to Matt, cuddling up to him and smiling. Matt sighed and turned off the light before he hugged her close and kissed her all of a sudden-wait what? (Y/N) felt her face get all red, but she kissed back while closing her eyes and releasing a small moan, wait moan? Hol' up, guurrrl! Although some of her friends or the others who she lived with told her Matt is a bad person she couldn't help it, he was everything she could've asked for.

Matt soon pushed his tongue into her mouth and the two began to French kiss roughly while running their hands through each other hands, romantic and rough damn. The two eventually pulled away as (Y/N) panted and had small tears of pleasure in her eyes. Matt has a smirk across his face and all got out of bed reaching underneath his bed and grabbed some handcuffs, "Hopefully you don't mind some bondage~?"

"Bond...age?" (Y/N) had questioned with her soft, cute ass voice making Matt flustered, "Yeah, you'll see.~" He cooed and began to cuff her hands together as he flipped her over into a doggy style while placing her hands in front of her onto the beds frame.

Ooo, la, la~
Looks like someone really enjoys this.

(Y/N) was blushing as she bit into one of the pillows and eventually felt her panties get slipped off making her panic a bit, "W-Wait! Please be gentle at first, D-Darling.~" Matt growled, fuck he loved that nickname so much. He eventually nodded and said 'fine' before leaning down and began to mess around with her pussy opening it with two fingers only to close it and rub it again. (Y/N) let out soft moans of pleasure before she heard a belt and some sort of clothing fall, "W-Wait!" Before she could finish her sentence Matt immediately rammed inside of her as she screamed out in pain and pleasure, damn asshole.

"F-Fuck, Matt!~"
"If I went any slower these eleven inches would've hurt like hell."

(Y/N) blushed and whines while she tried to get adjust, took around ten minutes or twelve. Once she got adjusted she wiggled her hips and Matt began to thrust in and out roughly causing her to gasp out, good thing he placed lube on or this would've hurt like hell. Matt let out soft grunts and such while he gripped (Y/N)'s hops tightly and continued to thrust inside of her. The room began to grow hot and spicy? Yeah, sure that's a good word. Skin slapping was heard along with beautiful moans from (Y/N) as she arched her back and yanked at the cuffs a bit, "A-Ah!~ M-MaTt!~ DarLiNg!!~"

Matt released a growl and fixed his position soon ramming into her prostate as she gasped, "Oh!~ Oh yes there!!~ H-HarDerRr!~" she couldn't even speak that well due to how rough he was being with her, god her pussy was gonna hurt like hell tomorrow morning. Matt leaned down and kissed down her back while using his right hand to play with one of her boobs since that's hot to him, plus boobs seemed oddly soft? Cool.

"Oh god!~ Darrling!~ C-Cum-CUMMING!!~"
"C-Cum, baby, cum for me (Y/N).~" The ginger has whispered into the girls ear while grunting and soon pulled out as he came all over her back as (Y/N) climaxed hard. That hurt like hell for some reason, "O-Ow...M-My stomach feels weird." Matt chuckled softly and kissed her before he cleaned up and left only to arrive with water, some other stuffed animals and a blanket from (Y/N)'s room. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile, "O-Oh my god, Matt, I love you so much you, dork." She giggles and sat up, the cuffs coming off.

Matt sighed and fixed stuff up and the two were now cuddling each other while (Y/N) smiled and held her favorite stuffy close, the one stuffed animal that Matt had gotten her.

"Goodnight, my love."
"Goodnight, baby."
I hope school d ies
I wanna live in a forest and forget all of this bullshit, man

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that, I sure did Matt is amazing and we need more shit about him

Okay well cya my stomach hurts like crazy, my ass is sicker than a snicker :'))


 I fucking love her oml-

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I fucking love her oml-

[♡]; Eddsworld x Reader oneshots/Smutshots ;[✨]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin