Cam- Chapter 2

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Hey guys, leave comments on stuff that I can improve on and I'll respond almost immediately. Thanks readers and enjoy! -mark😜
^Cam played by Steven Chevrin
"Get up hun its time for school" Mom says softly
"Noooo mom I don't want to it's to early" Cam whines
"I know baby buts it's your first day and you're already a week behind" Mom exclaims
"Fine mom but only because I love you" Cam sighs
"Come down for breakfast we have your favorite" Mom says cheerfully
"CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES YES MY LIFE IS COMPLETE" Cam screams running to the bathroom
Cam wets his hair and then rubs shampoo in his hair, all the while singing Ring by Cardi b
"SHOULD I CALL FIRST I CAN'T DECIDE, I WANT TO BUT A BITC* GOT PRIDE" Cam screams while shaking his booty a little to the lyrics
"Old people these days, don't know good music" Cam grumbles
"I HEARD THAT" Dad yells from behind the bathroom door
"AHH SHI*" Cam jumps
After cleaning his body he leaves the bathroom and drys off. He grabs some white skinny jeans and a blue Abercrombie shirt. Cam runs down the stairs humming to himself when he takes a whiff of a scent so heavenly he immediately squeals.
"YAS CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES THANK YOU SO MUCH" Cam squeals while jumping with excitement
"Only the best for my favorite son" Dad says while smiling at his boy
"Thanks dad I love you to" Cam says happily
"Eat up, we have to leave soon and we both don't want to be late on our first day" Dad exclaims
After breakfast they get in Mr. Harris' 2018 Honda HRV and drive off to school. Cam is very nervous about his new school because not only is he the new kid, but he is also a week later then everyone else. Not to mention he's shy with people he doesn't know.
"Cantu High, home of the Ravens" Cam thinks out loud
"It will be fine bud, I know you're shy but just try to go in there and have fun, you can always come to me if you have a problem." Dad exclaims
"I know dad but it's really not as easy as you say, you know how I get when I'm around people I don't know. It gives me so much anxiety that I can feel my stomach turning" Cam exclaims
"It's ok bud, we'll see how it goes" Dad says
They exit the car and Mr. Harris and Cam go their separate ways. Cam enters the school and begins his search for the office. On the way, he keeps his head down and tries to push the feeling that everybody in the schools eyes were on him. He walks into the office and quickly shuffles to the secretary.
"Hi sweetheart what are you looking for" the secretary says smiling brightly
"Um, uh, m-my name i-is Cam Harr-is" Cam says shakily
"Oh, Mr Harris' son, the new gym teacher right?" The secretary questions
"Mhm" Cam smiles at the mention of his father
"Well what do you need sweetheart?" The secretary questions
"Can I h-have m-my schedule pl-ease" Cam stutters out
"Why of course, let me go print it off real quick" The secretary says while walking to the printer
Cam was standing to the side, stuck in his thoughts. He hears the door to the office open but doesn't register it until he feels a burning pair of eyes on him, he looks up and sees the most beautiful pair of gray-blue eyes looking at him. The boy he sees is very sexy, with a sexy nose, a sexy mouth, a sexy pair of lips, and a sexy everything. His jawline could cut obsidian, OBSIDIAN. His muscles, oh don't even get me started on his muscles. He had big arms but what caught me the most was the shirt he was wearing, the shirt he had on was a pink Hollister brand shirt that didn't leave much to the imagination the way it hugged his body. You can tell he had a well defined 6 pack, and to say my mouth was watering would be an understatement. He had on a pair of khakis which also didn't leave much to imagine. His bulge... lets just say, BIG. Cam starts to rub his arm uncomfortably because the other boy hasn't stopped staring at him. The boy notices and takes one last look until he runs out. All Cam thinks is if all the boys in this school look like that, then this is going to be a long year.
"Here is your schedule and a map of the school as well as your locker combination" The secretary informs while pulling Cam out of his thoughts
"T-thank y-ou ma'am" Cam stutters out
"No problem sweetie, have a good day. Also, how could I forget, my name is Mrs. Barker" she says cheerfully.
Cam leaves the office in search of his locker, after depositing his books, he checks his schedule.
"English with Mrs. Lorraine" Cam thinks out loud
"Oh she's the worst if you get on her bad side, make sure your on time and always bring your materials to class" Says a voice that makes Cam jump
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Carson Hampton." He says
"N-no it's o-ok I'm just a litt-le nervous..." Cam says shyly
"I have English first as well, we can walk together if you like" Carson informs
"Really, t-thank yo-u" Cam says while smiling sheepishly
"No problem, so I gather your new?" Carson asks
"Yes, m-my name is Cam Harr-is" Cam stutters out
"Ohhh your the new PE teachers son?" Carson questions
"Yep" Cam mutters
"Well Cam, here we are, I have to warn you, I can tell you're shy but Mrs. Lorraine will make you introduce yourself to the class and we are a little late so everyone will be there." Carson exclaims
"It's o-ok thank yo-u for this" Cam says sheepishly
"No problem, that's what friends are for" Carson says with a smirk
As Cam enters the class room behind Carson, all eyes turn to them, but there is one pair of eyes that Cam notices. He is dragged out of his thoughts by Mrs Lorraine asking where they were and who Cam was.
"M-my name I-is Cam Harris" Cam mutters
"Ok Mr. Harris take a seat and pull out "pride and prejudice" Mrs. Lorraine orders
Cam looks around the classroom for a seat and quickly sits down. As the day goes on he notices he has every class with the boy from the office and he finds it hard to pay attention in class because he can't stop staring. Cam realizes at the end of the day, it's going to be a long year
Thanks for reading the 2nd chapter. Lmk how you like the story and tell me who your favorite character is so far! -mark😜

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