When Life Falls Apart (poem)

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Head welled down,

a never-ending frown.

Eyes studying the ground,

hair a clump of brown.

The faces of those who hurt him,

would constantly haunt his dreams.

Everyone in the world hates him,

or maybe that's how it seems.

His life is up in flames,

he has not one friend to turn to.

He thinks maybe things can change,

but he feels that is no longer true.

Oh how I miss that face,

he still would have looked the same.

I cant believe he left his brother like this;

was it all just some game?

It must be my fault,

I should have known better.

Should have seen the sadness in his heart;

his eyes becoming wetter.

My mum now sees a shrink,

her heart beyond astray.

My dads a little different,

Living as if he never took his life away.

What about me you ask?

I'm trapped in feelings so poor.

Guilt and emptiness is all I feel now,

I don't even have friends anymore.

The feelings of happiness forever subsided;

swapped for hate and rage.

When did people start teasing me?

Why are they trapping me in a cage!

I now walk alone,

studying the streets at night.

I feel like I'm in a dark dome,

...and it's not like I deserve any light.

Gaze far into the distance,

I can hear the cries of my mother.

I can never make eye contact;

most people say I'm like my brother.

When Life Falls Apart (poem)Where stories live. Discover now