Let me rant

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this is a rant about my school

OK so this is whats going on, everything I MEAN EVERYTHING got blacklisted on my computer, all websites, YouTube, this, Dulingo, EVERYTHING. and you know that kinda pissed me off since you know i use some websites to learn and i'm just here like wtf guys now your just making it impossible for me to learn. great now what, so i go and talk to Amos (tech guy) and he says i need to go talk to my teachers but guess what they wont listen to me because they think everything i say is false, so i just break down in the corner, i was done.  now i know "why are you making a big deal of this" well my friend, you see this isn't the first time this school went behind me and did dirty, no no no. this is the forth time FORTH. but luckily i got this and Dulingo back, im still mad but yeah

this has been my ted talk

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