story my art teacher wrote for us

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  As you sit in your office wondering how you are ever going to pay for your next ham sandwich, there comes a mysterious knock at the door.

"Come in!" you say, hoping for a plum job like a restaurant logo or perhaps a sportsball team mascot. The door opens, seemingly by itself and you could swear a green mist seems to flow into the room from the open doorway. When you glance up, there is a man standing there, seemingly having materialized out of the mist.

"WOAH! I mean... Can I help you?" you manage to stammer out.

"Yes," he replies as he moves across the floor, seeming to almost float, his legs hidden by a long coat... or is it some sort of robe? It's hard to tell since everything he's wearing is black.

"I'm looking for a designer to help me with a logo for a new business venture. You see, I used to be a magician who went by the name, 'Mysterio' but that was before... before I discovered things. Ancient things. Arcane things. Now, I no longer thrill crowds with paltry sleight of hand and rabbits from hats." A look of distaste crosses his deeply lined face. "No. I don't DO that anymore. Now... NOW... I am a TRAVEL GUIDE!"

You sit wide eyed, waiting for the punchline.
There doesn't seem to be one.
You wait a respective second or two. "A travel guide?"

"YES! I am no longer 'Mysterio the Magician. Now I am Mythos, owner and operator of Underworld Tours of Greece! You see, through my research for things ancient and forgotten, I have found a network of tunnels that extends under much of Athens, Greece and in it are amazing sites! Things that you could not believe still exist! The caverns go on forever and the secrets they have to offer the brave and (well, let's be honest here) wealthy are more than you can imagine! The name of my tour company will be, "Underworld Voyages, LLC." and I shall personally take groups of paying customers down the fabled river Styx to see the sights of what must have once been the land ruled by Hades himself.

He leans over the desk at you and gets uncomfortably close to your face. You swear you can smell pomegranate on his breath.

"I need a logo that shows the power of where this is. WHAT this is. It must feel polished, yet ancient. It must feel safe yet adventuresome. It must have our tagline 'Visit the land of the dead and return' in it!"

Abruptly, he stands up straight and looks at his iPhone. "And it must be ready by next Monday. I'll call you midweek to look at what you've got and we can work form there." And with that, he walks almost out the door pausing and looking at you over his shoulder, eyes narrowed. "And whatever you do... No hats, and no RABBITS!" and with a slam, the door closes and Myste... er... Mythos is gone.  

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