Puck's POV

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When we all find a table to sit at, I look back at Grimm. One of her friends was trying to get the gross food out of her hair, and the other was gone. I shrugged and continued eating my lunch.

Them a teacher came up to me and tapped my shoulder. I already knew I was in trouble.  "Puck? The principle would like to see you." I looked to were Sabr-Grimm, and her friends were sitting, but they were gone. "oh, and bring your little group of friends with you. " Jax and Brendan turn their heads as if they knew that was gonna happen.

We walk down to the principle's office, I saw Sa-Grimm, sort of sobbing. Why was she crying? She just needed a shower and she'd be fine. I sort of felt bad for Sabrin-Grimm. I said Grimm. Anyway, what am I talking about? I am the Trickster King. I shouldn't feel bad for her. I sat down, but my friends just stood, leaning agents the wall.  "Now, I expect that you boys know why you're here, " Mr. K said. I waited until this conversation was done.

• • •

Well, this sucks. My friends and I got detention for 2 weeks, and Sabrina got to go home early for the rest of the day. When the old lady and Canis came to pick Sabrina up, all of them gave me a glare, and it felt weird, even though people do it all the time. When the bell rung for everyone to leave, Me, Brendan, and Jax all had to head to detention.

It was 3:18 and we had to stay there until 4:15. I always thought that you only got detention in middle and high school. Never did I think that happened in elementary school. I'm four thousand years old, as a 12 years old boy. This is an outrage!

• • •

When the worst hour and 15 minutes of my life were over, we dashed out the door, and I said goodbye to my friends. I had to call the old lady to come to pick me up from school. I know she'd still be mad at me. She answered and said she would be there soon.

When the old lady came to pick me up, she still wasn't happy. I got in the car, and the whole ride back home was client. I got my bag out of the car and entered the house. It was oddly quiet. Usually Red and Daphne would be whispering about me and Sabrina being married. I hated it.

I went to go and find a snack, but instead, I found Sabrina also in the kitchen, with a glass of water. Her hair was wet. I could tell she got a shower. I opened the fridge and found the old lady's weird pancakes from this morning. I took it and shoved them in my mouth.

Sabrina stared at me with a look of sadness, and hatred in her eyes she finished her water, put the glass in the sink and went back to her room with her head down, slamming the door behind her.

I know this is so unlike me, but I wanted to apologize to her for what happened at lunch so that's what I was going to do. I put the rest of the uneaten pancakes in the fridge, and quietly headed for Sabrina's room.

I knocked lightly and got no response. I knocked again and this time I heard a weak voice say, "who is it?" I sighed and said,  "it's me." I felt that guilty feeling again. "come in with no food or any substance." Sabrina said.

I opened the door slowly, peaking in to seeing what she was doing.  She was sitting cross cross on her bed, playing with her toes. She saw me and gave a small smile. I sat down best to her looking into her blue eyes.  "the only thing I can say to make it up to you, is do you want to play tag?" tag was one of Sabrina's favorite games. She nodded. We hopped off the bed, and walked outside to the backyard.

• • • • •

I hope you enjoyed part 2 of my Puckabrina fanfic ❤️

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