Chapter Sixteen

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• Chapter Sixteen•

French, the language of romance. France, the land of love.

I jumped excitedly in my seat on the jet as we floated with the clouds, overlooking the Eiffel Tower. It was gorgeous, more extravagant than anything I could imagine. Six months ago, I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me that I would be staying in France for a week when I hadn't even stepped foot out of Cheshire.

A warm hand encircled my wrist, which had me shooting down. "Calm down little one, we haven't landed yet." Harry said, smiling over at me. I smiled back at him and relaxed back in my seat. Or at least I attempted to. On the inside I screamed with happiness that I was in Paris!

Before we left, I made Harry drive me to a bookstore where I bought a french dictionary and at the airport I made sure to stock up on as many french brochures that I could get my hands on. For the majority of the plane ride Harry listened to me practicing my french, laughing with me as I ultimately failed to say:

Où puis-je acheter plus de pain? Which means, where can I buy more bread?

Harry resulted in throwing a pillow in my face saying, "Where will you even need to use that?" Like a master, I persevered and perfected saying Je m'appelle Noel which nicely rhymes.

When we got off the jet the boys didn't even have time to sit on their new beds for the week because they were being whisked away to the arena where they needed to set up and have a sound check. I, on the other hand decided not to attend as I wanted to spend the remaining hours before the concert sight seeing which Harry did not agree with. 

"Noel come on, don't you want to see me and the boys testing out the microphones now and then tomorrow we can go sight seeing together as opposed to going now where you could potentially get lost." I scrunched my nose.

"What I'll do is find the best places in Paris and then take you there tomorrow, doesn't that sound better than getting lost?"

He smiled, "If I could be lost anywhere in the world I would want it to be in Paris with you."

I couldn't let Harry's words affect me in the way that they normally do. Although that was a really sweet thing to say. Deciding to ignore him, I went on to say, "And besides, I wouldn't be alone. Paul has assigned Isaac to join me." I found it funny that I was recruited to look after Harry and Isaac was recruited to look after me.

Isaac was tall, with light brown curly hair and a charismatic smile. He was good looking, with toned biceps and he was just as I said before, paid to look after me so getting lost was something that didn't happen. To top it all off, Isaac was fluent in French.

Once Harry heard that I would be spending the whole day with Isaac, he scowled immediately and his eyes were glowering at Isaac's bulky back. "Wouldn't that be a bad choice considering people will think that you're cheating on me." I laughed at how hard he was trying to "See you later Harry," I smiled teasingly at him as I closed the car door.

"I will only allow this on one condition, you must promise to-" he didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying because the driver zoomed off.

Promise what?

As if he read my mind, I felt a buzz in my back pocket. 

Harry: Promise me that you won't do something stupid so he can be your hero. Let's pretend that you're Gwen Stacy and I'm Peter Parker.

This would only be relevant and make sense to us because on the plane when I fell asleep, according to Harry I kept mumbling something along the lines of 'kiss me spider man'.

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