Chapter Fifteen

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• Chapter Fifteen•

Noel's P.O.V:

The cold air slashed my skin, without mercy. It was still early in the night, the ball over and it was just Harry and I strolling around a park. He must have noticed the goosebumps formed on my skin, that or else he heard me shiver because moments later he placed his jacket over my shoulders. Warmth tickled my skin, Harry's good smell encompassed me and I have never felt so cosy inside. "Thank you" I mumbled through chattering teeth as I tugged my arms through his jacket sleeves. It was evidently a few sizes to big but it didn't bother me, in fact I quite liked it.

"You look good in it," he laughed as his hands returned to his pockets. The gorgeous craters in his cheeks formed, making it hard for me not to smile myself. "Do you feel like doing something?" He asked purposefully. I don't think he wanted to go back to the hotel, nor did I. Honestly, I didn't care what I did as long as we were out together and the night never ended.

I asked him what he had in mind, thinking that he might have wanted to do something romantic like ice skate, or go to watch a film. Clearly when he said, "Fancy a party?" we weren't on the same page. "Sounds like the dog's bollocks," I smiled and nodded, attempting to convince myself that this would be better than going to bed. 

"Blimey! Did Noel Springs just say 'dogs bollocks'? I would have expected swell or splendid coming from you princess. Luckily where we're going, phrases like that will get you in the door." Harry winked at me and I thought it would ease my nerves but all it did was intensify them.

I know primarily, my job was to keep Harry away from parties but if I were to attend one with him then I can be there to get him out of one, correct? We were half way to the party that I realised I was attending a part with Harry. This meant that people would see me arrive with him and hopefully leave with him (although not in that way). But it should be normal for us because technically we were 'dating' and that would be expected. Wouldn't he be ashamed to enter a party with me? I'm not exactly Harry Styles' type at all.

"Why are you frowning?" Harry asked from beside me, drawing me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even realised I was frowning so I immediately laughed and apologized. Fortunately there was no time for explanations because we had arrived. 

The house the car pulled up in front of looked nice and cozy from the outside with the garden freshly tended to and the tainted sound of a dog barking from within. Music blared, smashing my ears the moment I stepped out of the car. The white building was in pristine condition although I didn't know what type of people I would be expecting inside. "Come on love," Harry said, offering his arm out.

Of course I took it and he guided me towards the front door. After ringing the door bell several times so it could be heard over the loud music, a lean figure greeted us. His hair was jet black and his attire consisted of jeans and converse. Were these the type of people Harry hung out with when he wasn't writing poetic music?

"Harold, well it is good that you decided to join us." The boy said, as he held the door open for us to enter the home. His accent sounded as though he came from where Harry and I were raised, although we were in a town with an accent closer to the west.

Harry hugged the boy as he was a long lost brother. "Well if isn't Mr Harry Styles. And once again, the white eskimos are united." A boy with blonde curls boomed, while stopping to greet Harry. The white eskimos sounded familiar. Another boy arrived at Harry's side, finally seeing the four together the pieces to the puzzle came together. I was attending a party with the hosts being Will, Haydn and Nick, his old band mates from high school. 

Harry left high school in 2010 to pursue his career with One Direction, leaving behind his beloved band that won many high school competitions together; the white eskimos. These boys dropped out of school a year or two ago to renew their sound, so it was easily a mistake to not recognize them at first glance.  

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