Be Mine~ U.Seong {LUCENTE}

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Kim Moonseong; the leader of 7 guys. One of Korea's biggest heart throbs. He was very stoic and had a heart full of gold. He was known to the world as U.Seong. After all, he wasn't chosen to be a leader for nothing. Many girls wanted him, most guys disliked him. If ever there was a guy with a great jawline, it was him. Girls practically swooned over him. It was understandable though. As all kinds of girls flocked to him, he never acted on any impulses; at least not with most girls. He was attracted to those who were headstrong. He liked priss, but there was just something about a girl that didn't mind getting her hands dirty. Scarlett fit that description.

Scarlett had a heart of gold herself. If ever any of her friends or strangers were troubled, she'd help with all her might. Scarlett's family wasn't well known. In fact, her dad was a custodian for the company. He was a single dad that tried to support her family. She looked up to her dad, seeing that as long as you worked hard, any job could be noble. He always supported her in every endeavor.

Many of the employees at the company, including females, always gave Scarlett a hard time indirectly. She was usually good about letting it slip off her shoulders, but it started to become harder as she grew older. That was when she found out people could be heartless. This resulted in her becoming more reserved and reluctant to trust anyone or make friends. As she would bring her father food for working long hours, she was noticed by Moonseong more and more.

Scarlett also had to get a job to help her father. Of course he wanted nothing more than to see her succeed, but she was her own person and stubborn. Her little brother was her main priority. He was also a hopeful trainee. Every day, he would go and practice in hopes of eventually becoming an idol. Scarlett was one he looked up too. She sacrificed a lot with her dad, to help him. Moonseong never put the pieces together that they were related. He had been pining over her for a while, with not knowing who she was. They would cross paths periodically throughout the day, without much conversation exchanged between the two. He was wanting to change that.

As the days went on, he found ways to try to become noticed by Scarlett. He learned the times and frequency that she would show up to see her family, making notes. It started with the reception. Everyday, he would leave flowers for her at the front desk for the receptionist to give to her as she was leaving. Anytime he did that, he watched, from afar, her reaction. At first, she was even reluctant to take them, but seeing her light up for the little things made him happy.

"Miss, we have these for you." The receptionist handed over a bouquet of lillies.

"These are for me? I'm sorry you must be mistaken, I don't work here."

"You're Scarlett right?" The receptionist looked over the note that came with the flowers.

"Why yes, but I don't understand what's happening."

She grabbed them as she slowly brought them to her nose. She loved the fragrance the flowers had.

"Miss, can you tell me who they're from?"

"We cannot. There was no name, just this note that came with them."

She grabbed the note as she scanned for a possible prospect. Still, the note remained to be a mystery. Whoever was taking their time to buy her flowers daily was truly wanting to remain anonymous for now. It was kind of romantic to her. Never had she ever recieved anything like this before.

"Hopefully, you enjoy them," Moonseong mumbled as he proceeded into the practice room.

He worked hard practicing with the others, but no matter how much energy he released, she was still on his mind. Moonseong couldn't go a minute without thinking of her. At first he decided it was a simple crush, but over time it developed into something more. He knew her brother was a trainee, and her dad the janitor. Moonseong made sure they were taken care of. Another day was done for the group. They began to pack up their things to leave, when Moonseong caught a glimpse of a female walking around the studio. As he went to the door to investigate, he noticed it was Scarlett.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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