The Past catches Up: Seyoung (Cross Gene)

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Developing the photos that she took the previous days, something was weighing heavily on her mind. She could not quite figure it out, but it would surface soon by the way she felt. Her cousin booked all the clients for that week, so Lyn did not know that her first love would be walking back into her life. Minjee looked up and smiled as the clients started coming in; meanwhile, Lyn never looked up from what she was doing immediately. All too familiar, she heard a soft voice that she had not heard from in a while.

"How have you been?"

She tilted her head, as a knot started forming in the back of her throat. Slowly, she began to turn towards the voice. Although, she already knew who it was. They met eyes, which made her drop one of her less expensive cameras. Having a hard time focusing, she knelt down to collect the pieces that broke. He began to help her pick up the scattered pieces.

"You haven't changed a bit, that is for sure. You were always the clumsy one", she looked at him with him grinning at her.

This feeling was one she was familiar with, but tried to restrict them from coming to surface again. After they had managed to pick up the pieces, Seyoung just stood there with his hand extended. It made her apprehensive, because when she was younger he was the first guy she had ever loved. The day she went to the Doctor, however, was the day she decided to oppress her feelings to prevent hearts from breaking any further. As hard as it was to leave him without a trace, she felt better if he hated her rather than his heart breaking if things went sour. They met eye contact and she melted with his smile, once again, as she did years ago.


"Ms. Hughes, we need to set up an appointment at your earliest convenience."

Hearing those words, her heart sank. Normally in any case having to do with doctors, 'at your earliest convenience', was not what anyone desired to hear. It had merely been a few days since the tests were drawn; months since she began to get sick. No one knew but her cousin.

She had Minjee swear on her life that whatever the outcome, she would not say a thing. Especially not to Lyn's loved one. He had enough on his plate with trying to make it in the entertainment industry. The last thing he needed was to know that his lady, the love of his life, was possibly dying.

Driving up to the parking lot was terrible, in which she felt like she was about to be sentenced to her own death. Walking up towards the door took ages. Time stood still as all she could think about was how her time could be cut short. Everyone was living off borrowed time, her included. Uncontrollable knots began forming in her throat as she tried to prepare for the worst.

Taking a seat in the waiting room, she glanced over at the families waiting as well. The sudden buzz from her phone startled her. Opening up the phone, gave her a bittersweet feeling. 'Soul Mate' appeared on her screen as he sent her words of encouragement for today's visit. He thought she was going in for a normal cold; at least that is what she told him. Nothing would prepare her for what was to come next.

"Ms. Lyn, are you ready?" Even the nurse had a different tone with her. She who used to be sweet, was solemn more than ever.

Taking her into a room, she collected her vitals, as an awkward silence befell the room. This was it. The test came back bad. It was not enough for the anticipation. Oh no, no one told her anything. They handed her an envelope, which contained her results. Finally, the doctor came in. He looked her over as he tried to make sense of her results. She seemed too young for this to happen too. Whatever went wrong, he had no proper answer for her. He simply needed to refer her to start preparations immediately.

Wanting to wait until she got home, she did not open the envelope right away. No, instead it would be better to wait. Not long, cause she didn't want him to know what was going on. This had to be settled while he was still out. As she paced the floor, she never took her eyes off the piece of paper that would hold her fate in its hands.

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