Severus x reader|| heartache

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House: Slytherin
Year: 5
Blood status: half blood

Warning: none? Maybe a little bit of bullying?

Third person POV:

Y/n l/n was a well liked student, even though she's a half blood. A lot of slytherin students would ask her for help in potions, since she's really good at it.
Y/n has one enemy, that is Severus Snape. He's jealous of her because she is also really good at potions. Almost better then he is.

Y/n was walking down the halls one Sunday afternoon, just a little stroll. She didn't know where she was looking and bumped into someone "I'm terribly sorry" She said and finally looking up, blushing almost immediately. Did I remind you she has a crush on him? I don't think I did. "I'm so sorry Snape, I'll make sure where I'm looking next time" she said "you better" he sneered "watch your attitude!" Y/n said in a aggressive yet soft voice "hah! You can't make me!" He smirked and his friend, Regulus laughed. "Why are you such a jerk to me" Y/n mumbled "what was that? I couldn't hear you" He grinned "get your ears checked then asshole" she said. He rolled his eyes "yeah yeah L/n, we get it. You are a stupid kid, you're worthless" he smirked. All Y/n felt was sadness, with those words coming out of him. HER CRUSH. Would definitely have hurt her inside "are you deaf too? I just told you, you are a worthless piece of trash" he said laughing. Y/n started walking away "Scared are we? What did I say? You are weak! You are nothing- worthless trash" He shouted. Y/n turned around and walked toward Severus "say it again. I DARE YOU!" She shouted "worthless trash" he smirked, but his smirk was gone after the next second. He put his hand on his cheek, Y/n had just slapped him "I hate you Severus Snape" she said with tears streaming down her face and walking away.

That night all Severus felt was pain. He felt Y/n's pain- but not the pain she had, with the mean words at the least. He felt broken, the truth is Severus actually liked Y/n. He cried in the middle of the night, he caused Y/n so much pain and he didn't know. Now he doesn't have a chance with Y/n.

( one week later)

Y/n completely ignored Severus, like she didn't know he was there. He tried speaking to her but to only fail as she just walked pass him. He felt that feeling again, heartbroken. In first year they used to be friends, that was until he became jealous of her and started to hang out with lily.

Y/n walked inside potions class and sat down in her usual spot. Severus walked in and sat behind Y/n. "Snape that isn't your spot" she sneered "oh so you've finally remembered me" he said "your presence is annoying me" she ignored his statement "why are you ignoring me?!" He said "why not" she said flipping pages from her text book "like I said, worthless" he slumped  on his chair. Y/n growled "you better stay away from me" she said "why is that" he said "stay-away-from-me... you freak" she sneered. That pushed a button in Severus's system, he grabbed her hair "Say that again you worthless little bitch" he said and let go of her hair aggressively. Y/n looked at him with tears rolling down her cheeks. Before Professor Slughorn came in, she dashed out.

( haha sorry for the cliffhanger, I'm doing a second part real soon, so stay tuned for that)

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