Chapter 7: Valentine's Day

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We either hate or love this holiday depending on our relationship status. If you are single on this day like me, trust me, it's okay. I know it's a day in which you long for a boyfriend more than ever. It's a day where everywhere you turn you see or smell love through chocolates and roses and red and kisses. It's exhausting I know. I also know that it's nice when a special someone gifts you something small but significant, but of course different than when your mom does. There's something about being willingly loved or adored by another human being with different genes and blood that jitters you up. You want to know what it feels like to be gifted a bouquet of roses on Valentine's Day by a boy, and show your friends what a good guy or boyfriend he is by showing them the cute card he slid onto your desk along with the roses. Trust me, I yearned for it. But now, I'm in state in which I'm putting myself first and loving myself first. I did daydream of one day a boy declaring his love for me on Valentine's Day with a single rose. But, now I buy a rose for myself to smell and smile into. To be asked who gifted me such a sweet simple thing and answer me. I don't mind it anymore. Instead of wishing to be gifted things do it yourself because who knows you better than yourself? You know what type of candy you want that exact moment so why wait for someone else to do it? I've learned that as long as I am my main priority I will be okay on Valentine's Day. It's not an easy thing to do, so if you still find yourself wishing to have a boy to cuddle with or kiss, it's okay. This has taken me my whole life until today to be okay being alone. I am now fulfilled with my moms simple but sweet gifts, and my friends Valentine's candy and hugs. On this day do what it's known for and show yourself how much you adore and love yourself. Be your own admirer.

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