1.0.1 - Getting Noticed

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This essay is about how to get noticed on Wattpad, but there are some who will not like the overall answer.

You've got to be willing to put the work in.

I'm writing this essay because every so often I come across writers who aren't happy with the fact they need to put actual work into what they do in order to get noticed. They're probably not going to like hearing me say that if their focus behind writing is to get noticed they probably don't like writing, but I'm not sure they could if asked answer why they like writing. More importantly it is hard to stay motivated with writing if your only motivation is in fact getting noticed.

Of course, some are quick to blame simply not getting noticed as the reason some writers quit. This is true for a writer whose only motivation is in fact getting noticed for their stories. In other cases, the answer to why a writer quit isn't as black and white as some like to believe. While not getting noticed may be a factor in these cases, it isn't the only reason behind why a writer quits. Sure, getting feedback is a good motivator, but a person who loves writing can't not write my point being they will write something even if it isn't what you want them to write.

What I mean by this is a writer who is interested in what they are writing, doesn't have writers block on the given project and not a ton of projects on their hands will in fact be motivated to continue the work regardless of how many people do or don't notice their work. Sometimes life also interferes in a writer continuing; for example, I've lost in the past the preplanning I did on my stories, but other things include family, friends, job, etc. Even a writer whose not sure of themselves isn't as simple as nobody noticing them. The real issue is their self-doubt, but the reason getting noticed solves the problem is because having just one person believe in you can help in that matter.

What does it mean to put the work in?

It means working on your writing every single day. Sometimes this can mean research such as reading other people's work or even watching another person's work and making notes even if they're just mental notes about the works. Other times it means putting a few lines down or jotting down an idea that popped into your head. Other times it can mean spending hours and hours writing. It also means working at becoming a better writer, but also taking the time to discover your personal writing style. Some will find their own personal writing style quickly, but for some it can take years. Putting the work in means being patient and not expecting overnight gratification.

Why is this an issue?

If you're impatient with getting noticed you're going to be impatient with what you write but said impatience will show through in your writing. More importantly those impatient for results want the same results those who did put the hard work and time in are getting despite not wanting to put the hard work and time in. Some advocate the ranking system should be changed so they get the same opportunities of getting noticed despite the fact they're not willing to put in the same amount of work. Writing though isn't something you get rewarded for simply because you post something. Even the best writers need to market their work.

How does one market their work on Wattpad?

I'll start off by saying what you don't do. Don't advertise your story on other people's profiles or stories unless it is relevant such as posting a contest entry in the contest book so others participating can read your story. That's against site rules.

First, keep writing. The more you update the more likely you are to get noticed.

Second, go back and read what you're writing. If you aren't interested in what you read, then why should readers be interested? Don't see this as a reason to delete though as each writer has a starting point and some readers when you get farther along will be interested in your older writings to see how you've grown as a writer.

Third, don't expect an interest in what you write if you don't use proper basic grammar in your stories.

Forth, draw the readers attention in. If the cover, summary and title doesn't catch your attention why would it catch the attention of the readers. A good summary will tell your reader what the story is about but not give away the ending.

Fifth, use the tags! Learning to use the tags properly can be difficult, but it helps to ask yourself "if I were a reader looking for this specific story what would I look for tag wise to find it." Don't use generic tags people will never think of using to search for a story, but don't just use genre tags either.

Sixth, interact with others. This helps others check out your stories if they have time, but this also lets you know what a lot of people are writing.

Seventh, don't avoid stuff which has been overdone. Instead put your own spin on it. In fact, having your own spin is important.

Eight, patience.

Any other advice?

There are certain stories which will never, ever get super popular. I'm pretty much talking about niche writing with a niche target audience. A small fanbase is a small fanbase and there is nothing one can do about that. I think though when these stories do get noticed it becomes even more exciting. Don't make getting noticed the most important thing either as you will definitely tire of writing and find yourself eventually not enjoying it. The point of getting noticed isn't for bragging rights, but because you want to share your story and move people with what you write, but get feedback so you can become a better writer.

What about finding fanfic?

Don't use the discover category for discovering fandom. Always search for your fandom via a fandom tag, or by a specific pairing or character, but also accept you won't always find what you want particularly if the fandom is small, or the pairing not popular.

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