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Brennens thinking...
It's been a while now since I've started liking colby and I don't want to make things weird between us but he deserves to know how I feel

                  The next day
Brennen:*goes over to Colby's house*

Colby:*smiles and hugs Brennen* hey what's up

Brennen:look man I gotta talk to you

Colby:ok yeah sure uh sit down

Brennen:*takes a seat*

Colby:*sits across from him* so what's up

Brennen:ok so even if I tell you this I don't want it to ruin our friendship


Brennen:*laughs nervously*uh so for a while now I've been thinking of all the brolby stuff and I didn't realize that I have feelings for you until about a month ago

Colby:*rubs the back of his neck* wow... No,i know what you mean I've been having similar feelings but I don't want this to make our friendship awkward either

Narrorator:colby and Brennen both look at each other and smile Brennen then says he has to go and that he will talk to Colby either tommorow or later after Brennen leave Colby then thinks I need help but who do I go to,to confess these feelings...


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