He held my wrists tightly in one hand and grabbed my chin with the other. "No!" I cried fighting against him as he started to kiss me and tears sprang again. I screamed so loud my throat hurt before he covered my mouth with his. He tasted like vodka and beer till I  broke my face out of his grip. " Stop it! Let me go!" I yelled and he started kissing my neck reaching a hand towards my pants. " I'm gonna make you feel so good " he leered amongst other dirty things brushing the strap off my shoulder with his nose and fiddled with the button of my jeans. I screamed loudly again and fought his tight hold. " Stop, no!".

The door burst open with a loud bang that made me jump and the guys lips break from mine. He was pulled away and I started running hearing a fight start as he was hit. I burst out the front door into the cold night. A warm big hand grabbed me around my elbow and I tried to wrench my arm away and fell down." Let me go!" I cried sobbing and scuttled away.

" Stevie? It's Jake" he said and I looked up seeing him. He came down on a knee in front of me, " Stevie, are you okay?" he asked and I couldn't stop crying. Gently he held my chin and brushed my hair out of my face " Did he hurt you" he asked looking me in the eyes. I shook my head " no" I whispered. "He talked dirty. If you didn't break in... He -" and I was sobbing not able to finish. He gathered me into his arms and held me while I cried into his shirt.

" Do you want me to take you home?" he asked gently into the top of my head and I nodded as I started to calm down. " C'mon" he said and held my elbow steering me towards his bike. "Up you go" he prodded nudging my back. When I looked back incredulously he sighed and lifted me up and onto the bike holding my waist. " Your gonna freeze either way, but like this you'll have some extra body heat on your back "he explained sitting behind me.

Taking my hands he put them on the handle bars and covered them with his own as he spoke, " you  ever been on a motorcycle before " he asked moving my hair over my shoulder and putting his face beside mine. As he spoke I felt his chest rumble against my back and his warm breath on my neck. " When I was little, my dad had one. But I don't remember much " I told him. He squeezed my hands " that's alright, just relax. I know what I'm doing, just lean with me in the turns " he told me and revved the engine before taking off. I gasped as we started moving, but Jacob had a good hold on my hands.

He was right, I was cold but his warmth at my back and shoulders helped greatly. Soon he was pulling into my long driveway, and when we were close to the house he parked. Jacob got off first then me holding my waist loosely as I swung my leg back over.

When I was off I wrapped my arms around his waist pressing my face into his chest " Thank you, I  mean it " I told him quietly as he slowly reciprocated with a hand at the back of my head and between my shoulder blades. " That ass had it coming" he told me.

As we pulled back I noticed his hands and  snatched the one with bloody knuckles and noticed his lip was cut. I winced looking at his poor hand and looked at it carefully. " Come on, I'll take care of that, and your lip " I said softly and tugged on his arm till he followed me out to the barn.

" Some of the animals we get are hurt pretty bad and need round the clock care, so we added a bed, and a microwave. The sink and fridge was already here we just fixed them and the cabinets " I told him as we came in. I grabbed a few things from the cabinets while Jake waited. " Oh!" I said in surprise as he lifted me up on the counter. I blushed at his amused smile and cleared my throat before grabbing the hand with injured knuckles. I dabbed at the bleeding sores carefully before disinfecting and he hissed " sorry" I  told him wincing and blew at them to take the sting out.

He brushed my hair back behind my ear as I put the doctored gauze across his knuckles and pulled out a roll to wrap them. After adding a strip of tape I was done " there, now how's the lip?" I  asked peering at it. I dabbed carefully so I could tell what it needed " he got you pretty good, at least the splits not to bad" I  murmured. " You should see the other guy" he muttered darkly. I rolled my lips frowning " just this once I'll say that I don't mind " I told him quietly and swallowed hard as I ran a line of super glue along the split.

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