V-day special

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I sat on my soft bed, looking at a little booklet Sensei had given me. I was still trying to learn to read, though I knew simple words. I could write well, reading was the problem.

A knock on my door sounded, and Jay entered, smiling. His red hair was a curly mess and I smiled, relaxed at his presence.

"Hi!" He greeted, already super peppy. "Do you know what today is?"

"Thursday?" I questioned, looking at my calendar and sounding out the word slowly.

"It's Valentine's Day! Where, like, you celebrate your loved ones."

"Oh. Okay." I didn't understand where he was going with this. I looked back down at my booklet and began sounding out words.

"Um, I asked Zane to make us a fancy dinner..." he sounded uncertain, looking down at his feet as he spoke. "And... maybe we could have like, a date?"

I looked up to meet his eyes and he gave me a tentative smile. With a hand, I closed the booklet. "Okay. Date."

Kai and Nya got me ready, and I was wearing one of Nyas dresses. It was black and form fitting. Kai did my short hair fancy and some jewelry.

Cole escorted me to the dining room, where there was a candle on the table and Jay stood by, waiting. He smiled, his cheeks a dusty pink at my arrival. "You look pretty."


"Yeah. Really pretty." I muttered a thanks and we sat down.

Zane served us some fancy dinner and Jay and I laughed and talked the night away. I was able to forget all of my worries about the masters and being scared, for once in a long time.

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