37. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition

Start from the beginning

The door handle behind him was pushed down and Daniel quietly entered the room. "You should urgently work on the interior design of your wrong ways, Slowcoach," Domen remarked, letting his gaze wander demonstratively around the room to distract himself from his nervousness.

"Not everyone can have his own Narnia, Butterprincess," Daniel laughed in amusement as Domen watched with eyes widening, how the Norwegian slowly came closer, stopped in front of him and took his breath away. His brain was fogged, and his guilty conscience was silenced.

Daniel gently put his hands around his face, pulling Domen towards him. Gently, he lay his lips on his. Gave him an innocent kiss, which Domen would have liked to have deepened, if Daniel hadn't begun to follow the contours of his face with his finger. They had often stood in front of each other. Had kissed and touched each other, but never it had felt so familiar, so scary intimate, that it paralysed him.

Daniel put his hand to the cheek of the Slovenian. Daniel's eyes had followed his hand as if he wanted to remember every centimeter of his face, but now the bright forest clearing pierced him to the core. Searching for answers to questions that Daniel hadn't asked. "Everything okay?"

"Actually, I would have to ask you that. After all, this is my fault, "interrupted Domen restlessly their eye contact. He could hardly stand it anymore. Feeling overwhelmed, though Daniel said nothing but demanded everything.

"Do we really want to discuss it again?" Daniel whispered amused and pulled Domen closer to him again. "I'm fine, honestly. For the first time in a long time, I feel like myself again. "

That explained a lot, but not everything. "What happened?" -

"You", the Norwegian pressed another short kiss on the tip of his nose.

"Daniel, I'm serious," he shoved his hand against Daniels chest and noticed how his cheeks began to burn. Recalled, that Daniel had never asked for more he was willing to give.

"Me too. And now it's your turn, "Daniel demanded, looking at him waiting and Domen knew that the blonde wouldn't let up until he had his answer.

"I haven't hired a contract killer," Domen replied evasively. "Satisfied?"

"Your anti-aggression coach deserves an award," Daniel replied dryly, shaking his head at the stubbornness of the Slovenian. However, he couldn't prevent his mouth twitching amused upwards, briefly.

"Why that? I had all the work, "snorted Domen indignantly.

"Poor Butterprincess," mocked Daniel amused and compassionate stroked his cheek. "You look really tired. The crown also hangs awry. "

"Haha," Domen slapped Daniel's hand away and would have liked to put on a grimmer face, instead, he had to laugh. And suddenly it was so easy to be with Daniel.

"Nana, do we have relapses after all?" Daniel chuckled and grabbed Domens hand before he got serious again. "Are you sure?"

"Dead sure. And with a bit of luck, Peter might also shift his attention to Cene, in the near future. You know, figuring out if Silje is befitting his social status, "said Domen, deliberately diverting the conversation in another direction. Pushed his guilty conscience aside.

"I don't know if that really works, Domen," Daniel tried again. "I-"

"No! Don't look for the coffin just because you see flowers. Where has your newly discovered optimism gone? "Domen wanted to know. "I mean, do you really want to make it that easy for me?"

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