26. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification

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Absently, Daniel stood in the middle room. Classical music was playing quietly in the background. Impassively dull murmurs drifted past him, as did many faces creeping around him deliberately. Photos were shot, voices were caught. Everyone was having fun.

After all the sleepless nights, the doubts and the trouble I had because of you? After all the nerves and the overcoming? Confrontating with something out of norm.

It didn't matter how hard he tried. The stigma of abnormal stuck to his soles as stubbornly as tar. Left treacherous traces no matter how far he was running. Made all his attempts to niece. Made him realize he couldn't escape. And if he tried to take on the role of Ola Nordmann, everything only got worse. Domen would never have wanting to become friends, if he dropped the mask from the start. Then Daniel's biggest concern would be the tournament and maybe Silje would have been with Anders on the way to the sunset and his best friend would still talk to him.

Domen had brought him back from his dream world. With punches directly into his heart. After all the sleepless nights, the doubts and the trouble I had because of you? After all the nerves and the overcoming? Domen brought San back. Then become normal. Do therapy, because that, Danny, is sick.

Daniel turned away from the center of the room to the buffet. He was pretending to have a goal in mind because he was afraid to look lost. Indifferently, he let his gaze wander over the neatly arranged appetizers in a Christmas setting. Christmas. He had laughed with his mother, had dreamed of a Domen now and then, who had been too beautiful to be true.

"That's what I call fate! Finally, we get to know each other! " A hand enthusiastically pushed itself into his field of vision, which was dressed in a dark turquoise-green fabric with silver edging.

"The joy is on my side," Daniel react to the chocolate mousse in front of him without looking up and seized the offered hand, which surely belonged to one of the numerous journalists. He really hoped that this event would be over soon.

"That's not to be overlooked," the stranger said in a unidentifiable tone, making the Norwegian look up. Attentive gray-blue eyes looked at him confidently behind some glasses.

"Andrej Kos. Glad to meet you! After hearing so much about you from your mother, " The Slovenian shook his hand effusively as Daniel's eyes were deflected by an overweight man in the background. More precisely from the corners of his mouth, which the journalist frowned up disapprovingly, while looking at Andrej. The dark green fabric belonged to a kind of tunic. Andrej would have fitted perfectly in every oriental bazaar.

"Delicious these tartlets, eh?" Andrej, who had followed Daniel's distracted look, didn't seem very impressed.

Dumbfounded and obviously more than surprised to even have been addressed, the press man's mouth opened and closed without making any sound, reminding Daniel of a fish on the dry land.

"Sure," it finally sounded dismissive. Demonstratively, the reporter leaned over the buffet, away from Andrej to reach for one of the last two remaining tartlets on the tray in front of him. But the hand of the Slovenian was faster. Under the disbelieving looks of Daniel and the star-gazing murder threats of the scribe, Andrej coldly snatched the last tarts and put them into his mouth.

"You really missed something, if you didn't taste them" The Slovenian licked his fingers, as if nothing had happened. As if the reporter wasn't standing next to him, wishing Andrej to hell.

"Well, successful evening, don't you think?"

Dazed at the sudden change of subject, Daniel didn't know what to say or do. "Um ... yes. I mean, it seems to have gone well, "he stammered speechless, still trying to process what he had just experienced. "What ... um ... why? I mean..."

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