Chapter Six

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~Harry Potter~
All of them looked stunned, especially the woman named Natasha.
She slowly approached Bill, so Bill picked it up and handed it back to her. After a few moments she asked softly, "What are you people?"
I smiled a wan smile at the terrified or unnerved people and began my explanation, "We're mostly just like you, except we were born with magic inside us. The spell you just saw was the disarming spell-it can work to disarm opponents in a duel or in a battle. There are spells for just about everything, to be quite honest. I was raised by my non magical aunt and uncle up until I reached the age of eleven."
Feeling my throat get dry, I softly called out, "Kreacher, could you get me a glass of cold water please?"
A small pop! Sounded and Kreacher appeared with a tray of glasses and a picture of ice water.
I smiled at Kreacher and thanked him, leading to him disappearing again, muttering about how proper masters didn't thank house elves.
I rolled my eyes and poured myself a glass before grabbed Teddys cup out of my bag and handing it off to Hermione who was currently holding him.
Tony cleared his throat nd said, "Saying that we believe you, which I'm not saying we do, what is the difference between magical and non magical people?"
Hermione cleared her throat and said, "Magic is one of the main differences, Mr. Stark. Wizards and Witches are born with something called a magical core, a reservoir of magic that grows with them so to speak and holds the magic inside of them. It replenishes over time, and is where we draw the magic to cast spells from. There are several classes of wizarding kind."
Ron cut in, "Purebloods are wizards or witches with several generations of magical ancestors. I'm a pureblood, myself, actually. Next would be half bloods, who generally have either one magical parent and a non magical parent or a pureblood parent and a muggleborn parent. Muggleborns are a type of witch and wizard who have no magical parents but have magic themselves. This usually stems from squib ancestors or other magical beings as ancestors."
I continued, "I'm a half blood- my father was a pureblood and my mother a muggleborn. Hermione, for instance, is a muggleborn. Her parents are dentists."
Bruce cautiously raised his hand and asked, "What do you mean by other magical beings?"
Fleur smiled slightly and explained, "There are of course, beings of human intelligence or higher that are not human. One of these such creatures are called Veela, and they are generally women. They have an-an allure I believe is the translated word, that draws men, or women who prefer their own gender, in. I, for instance, am half veela. My mother and grandmother are both veela, whereas my grandfather and father are wizards. I have an allure but not one as strong as a full veela."
Bill continued, "There are also goblins, who run out banks, and mermaids and sirens, werewolves, vampires, elves and the fae. Several different kinds of elves. One such kind is the being who brought the water. They're known as house elves."
Hermione looked as if she wanted to speak indignantly on the topic, so I cut in, "Many of them are bound to abusive wizarding families who are under the assumption that they below them and treat them as slaves. Truthfully, they bond their magic and life to a family and that is how they find purpose in life. The other types of elves are like elemental elves, generally tall, and they can control or manipulate the elements."
Pepper broke in, "And they-they sleep with humans and wizards too?"
I poured her a glass of water since she looked rather close to fainting, and carefully explained, "Elemental elves and Veela can sleep with whomever they please up until they discover their soul mate. Elves are one of the few humanoid beings where both genders can carry children and I've found that it's mainly because they've had to evolve since their near extinction about four hundred years ago."
Bruce seemed quite bewildered at the idea of two men having a child together but Tony cut in, "Not that I don't appreciate the magical history lesson but why all the secrecy?"
I drew on a deep breath and let it out slowly before beginning to speak, "Non magical-muggles, that is-only a select few know about us other than the immediate family of Muggleborns. The muggle prime minister of England for instance, and probably the president of the United States. The leaders of the countries. The fact that I'm even telling all of you is technically against the statute of secrecy."
Hermione cut in, "Yes and no, due to your condition-"
I shot her a dark look over my shoulder and her mouth snapped shut with an embarrassed and apologetic look. Tony spoke softly, "What condition, Harry?"
I sighed, "I have a magical creature inheritance. That happens when a line with dormant creature blood becomes active again. My mother's ancestors at some point were elves or mates to elves. When I was a child my inheritance was...Bound. It didn't appear or effect me in anyway due to the amount of power that the three casters used. It wasn't until after a certain um..."
Ron shot me a exasperated look, "Harry Here defeated a dark lord, died and came back. Due to his death, when he came back his inheritance became active-thus making him an elemental elf."
Tony cleared his throat, "So have you called me here to let me down gently because you found your mate then?"
Fleur burst into laughter, "You are blind and stupid then!"
Pepper rolled her eyes and explained, "Tony, I think you have it backwards. Why would he tell you all that-tell us all that if he were just going to lead up with a break up line? He could have simply told you off and that he was married or in a serious relationship and to leave him alone."
Bruce looked at me straight on and asked softly, " he your mate? I'd that why you're trusting us with your secrets?"
I flushed under Tony's incredulous look before nodding.
"I had no idea, really, when we slept together that night. I didn't find out until that um...That alien invasion. That day you caught me in the alley? There were three heartbeats?"
Tony's breath seemed to catch, as did several of his friends, and so with a sigh I stood up, pulled my jacket off and my wand out, and I cancelled all of my glamours, leaving them all gaping at me.

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