Chapter Five

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                                                                                 ~Anthony Stark~

I woke up to Bruce shaking me awake, muttering about how it was nearly ten and we still had to find this 'Grimmauld Place'  in London. "Order some room service, will you? I'm going to take a shower quickly, and then we can go."

He nodded, already grabbing the phone to dial. I grabbed my carry on and headed to the bathroom. I shaved and showered, quicker than usual, before eagerly heading back out. I came out just as the knock sounded on the door accompanied by, "Room service!" 

I grabbed a twenty out of my wallet, heading over and opening the door, taking the cart and handing the hotel worker the twenty and a quick thank you before pushing the cart over to the couch where Pepper, Natasha and Bruce were all sitting.

Once we had eaten, Natasha stood and stretched, "So, where do we have to meet him again?"

As she spoke, she was sliding knives, guns, even some wire into unseen pockets, always prepared for the worst. I sighed, "He said to stay child-friendly, Nat. You don't need an arsenal."

She shot me a look, "I was trained as a child to kill by the age of five. I go no where unarmed."

I raised my hands in surrender, grabbing my phone and searching for Grimmauld Place, London. Once I had the map open, I put on my shoes and a jacket, hat and sunglasses. The others copied my actions, and soon enough we were heading out of the hotel. The park, supposedly, was only a twenty minute walk away. As we got closer, I noticed that there was about five people at the park, but only one had the black hair I was looking for-two others were red-heads, one a brunette and one a blonde. The blonde and the black-haired were both holding children. 

As we got closer, the people all turned to look at us, and my eyes instantly sought out the black-haired man's eyes-they were green, and utterly bewitching. Familiar. A small smile spread across the man, Harry's, face. He turned to the brunette woman and murmured something I couldn't hear, but he must have been asking her to hold the child he had been carrying because almost immediately after he gently shifted the child into her arms and stepped towards us. As soon as there was only a few feet between us, he held out his hand and said, "Hello again, Mr. Stark. My name is Harry Potter, these are my friends, the lovely brunette is Hermione Granger, the lovely blonde is Fleur Weasley, the long-haired red-head is her husband, Bill, and beside him is Ron Weasley, my other best friend who is currently dating Hermione."

He looked over his shoulder and added, "The lovely blonde baby is Victoire Weasley, Fleur and Bill's baby, and the other child is my god-son, Theodore, lovingly nicknamed Teddy. Your friends are?"

I smiled at everyone and said, "Pleasure to meet you all, my name is Tony Stark, this is my friend and absolute life-saver, Pepper Potts, my colleague and friend Bruce Banner, and my coworker and friend Natasha Romanoff. Everyone, this is-well, this is Harry."

Harry shook hands with everyone, muttering a polite hello, before he stated, "Will you be accompanying me to my home that's nearby? I'm afraid what I need to talk to you about can't be discussed in public."

I nodded, as did the others, albeit reluctantly. He handed me a piece of paper and said, "Memorize that, you'll need it. After you can remember it easily, share it with your friends."

I stared at the paper, 12 Grimmauld Place and pushed myself to remember it, before I handed it over to Bruce, who stared at it a few moments before handing it to Pepper, who did the same before handing it to Natasha. Eventually, Harry stepped forward and accepted the piece of paper back, balling it up and sticking it in the pocket of his hoodie.

I noticed he didn't take his godson back, although the brunette did end up handing him off to the longer haired Weasley, as we began walking together. He spoke softly to me as we walked, "You're sure they're able to keep secrets, Tony?"

I nodded firmly, "I trust them with my life and all my secrets."

Harry drew his breath in sharply and stated softly, "Then I will trust them with mine, for now."

Louder, he commented, "We're here. Focus on the address I showed you."

As I watched the buildings, there was oddly only an 11 and a 13, but the longer I focused on the address '12 Grimmauld Place, 12 Grimmauld Place, 12 Grimmauld Place' something odd seemed to happen. The buildings began to move outwards, slowly showing another building in between-12 Grimmauld Place. I felt my breath get caught in my throat-I knew from my encounters with Thor and Loki that magic, of some sort, was real, but I had never seen a building grow out of two others. I felt a hand gently take mine, squeezing, and Harry whispered, "Do you see a building. Tony? 12 Grimmauld Place?"

Mutely, I nodded, and he smiled brightly at me before turning and looking at Pepper, Bruce and Natasha, all who had paled drastically. Natasha seemed to be the most composed of them all, not surprising given her background. Harry quietly asked them each the same question, but as he tried to let go of my hand I gripped his tighter, making him flush lightly. After a moment he pulled me towards the door and said, "Be careful as you come in. There is much that will surprise you, all of you." 

We all filed into the house, the shorter-haired Weasley bringing up the end. As the door shut behind us, a portrait-which moved-began screaming obscene and obscure insults at us until Harry threatened it with something called Fiendfyre before pulling the curtains shut.
He motioned for us to follow him into what looked like a kitchen.
Once we were all sitting he began to talk, "Now, if I remember correctly two of you, including Tony, are scientists correct?" At our boss, he continued, "You may have trouble believing me so I think a little show and tell would work best. Everyone please stand. Bill, if you would do the honors?"
We all stood and Bill pulled a piece of shaped wood out of some hidden pocket and turned to Natasha and said, "I'm not a huge fan of muggle weapons but could you arm yourself please?"
Looking uncertain and uncomfortable Natasha pulled out a knife, holding it defensively.
Bill smiled slightly at her in thanks before exclaiming, "Expelliarmus!" And a jet of light flew out of his wand, hitting her and making the knife clatter to the floor at his feet.

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