Chapter 1 - Paradise

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You know, at this point John was surprised he wasn't sick of waking up in Paradise. Every morning he'd be woken up at precisely 7.45 AM by one of his friends who'd then get him his food. He'd sit and eat for a bit, get up and get ready, then look around for whatever was offered to him. Even after so long, it was bliss. Upon stepping out his house, he was greeted with the world's helper, Catie. Think of them like a human with a robot conscience.

"Good morning Johnathan, today's choice of activities are as follows. We have mountain climbing, skydiving, kayaking, baking and music lessons. Would you like me to take you anywhere?"

John though for a few moments before turning back to her, "No thanks, C. I just feel like relaxing. Now, kindly fuck off."

Catie nodded and de-materialised, leaving John alone to admire the scenery.

Fumbling around in his pocket for a few seconds, he pulled out his vape and took a long hit.

"Jesus, this is the life..." He murmured, blowing out clouds of sweetened smoke.

If there was one thing he loved about paradise, it was the scenery. John never considered himself to be a soft kind of guy, but the beauty of everything just got to him. Paradise was filled with lush forests, crystal blue rivers and oceans, waterfalls and underground caves. Hell, you could even find a small valley resembling an oasis if you headed South-East long enough. Not to mention the food. Although he lived primarily on fast foods, John still found himself enjoying the exotic, kind of strange fruits and vegetables that grew all over Paradise. Some days you could find common things like mangos and strawberries, others there were pink, green and gold fruits he couldn't even name. If you got tired of that, all you had to do was call for Catie and you could order anything completely free.

Even though today was just like every other, something felt off. It wasn't that obvious, it was just a slight uneasy feeling in the back of his mind, like a tiny voice or sound. He closed his eyes for a second, concentrating on the feeling. He couldn't hear much, but it was there. It was hard to make out the whole thing, but he could hear 'Please... real... away... fight.. re-.' Before it went silent, almost like a signal dropping. Opening his eyes, John sighed and flopped onto his back.

"Catie? Stop whatever weird mental-broadcast thingy was playing, it's giving me a headache."

Catie appeared beside him, looking as perplexed as a semi-human machine could.

"I'm sorry, I do not understand the question. There was no broadcast playing, but if you have a headache, I can get you some pain medication." She offered.

John sighed and sat up, pressing a hand to his forehead.

"Nah, I'm good, C. You'd think in Paradise there'd be no god damn headaches but no..."

"Well, I do hope you feel better, Johnathan. Goodbye."

John nodded and waved his hand as she disappeared, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fucking Christ, what is going on today? Whatever, it'll probably go away soon... It better." He murmured to himself.

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