"Uh, I really wouldn't know... I mean, it just seems like it's kind of pointless to flirt with someone just because you can. Which is also kind of the reason why I laugh at what ever Joseph and Caesar say to me." You say as you begin to laugh while nudging Joseph. "Hey, you can't say I'm not finally beginning to crack through to you with my flirting skills! I've seen you blushing! You can act like you don't like it, but that cute blush of yours is a dead give away sweetheart!" Joseph says as he nudges you back. You feel yourself blushing a little and you cross your arms and pout at him. "Shut up, I said I don't take them seriously, I didn't say I wasn't used to them." You say as your cheeks begin to get warm again. "Aww, look at how cute you look with your cheeks all red~." Joseph begins to say as he pokes your face, you quickly swat his hand and turn away. "Oh! Did I finally win? What do you say? I take you out on a date, a little wine, a little dinning? Maybe a movie or dancing? Then maybe we can end the night at your place and-" He was cut off as DIO started to laugh. Your face and ears were burning and you hoped it wasn't noticeable for either men. "I don't believe that is the proper way to wine and dine a woman." DIO says as he catches both of your attentions. "Huh? Oh REALLY? and what is YOUR idea of a proper date?" Joseph asks him, in an almost challenging manner.

Dio lets out a pleased hum as he leans forward to you and takes your right hand, making you uncross your arms and look at him. He lifts your shades to the top of your head, carefully, and he lets out a small chuckle. "There, now I'm able to see those beautiful eyes of yours. Now, IF you were to go on a date with me, say, tomorrow after noon at 7 pm., I would take you to the most expensive, fanciest restaurant. I would be sure that only the finest meals and the finest wine were to touch those beautiful lips of yours." He says as he begins getting closer to you. He's on his knees in front of you, Joseph is gasping in both shock and anger next to you and you are really debating shoving the man in front of you away, but he is the one that is currently giving you a ride, and you didn't want to be so rude... even if you were feeling a little too uncomfortable. "U-Uh, y-yeah, about that... s-sorry DIO, but that's just not my cup of tea. I WOULD appreciate something like that... buuut, I'm just not the Wine kind of woman." You say as you reel your hand in while raising both hands up in defense. "Really? What a shame, maybe I could begin to show you how much you have been missing for a fine woman such as yourself?" You let out a sigh and begin shaking your head. "N-No, it's fine. I appreciate the offer. But I feel it would be like me asking you out and me just taking you to the places that 'I' like. Which would probably just be eating out at like a burger joint, going to an arcade then heading back home to watch some movies or skating. I don't believe you'd be the type to do that kind of stuff." You say with a shrug as you lower your shades back down and try calming your frantic heart, while you hope the blush begins to go away. "Hmm, maybe we can both show each other a bit about our favorite activities? I take you out to eat, and you show you me your favorite activities. The offer for a date tomorrow still stands." DIO says as he begins to fix himself back up onto his seat. "WHAT?! YOU ACTUALLY MEANT THAT STUPID DATE IDEA?!" Joseph quickly yells out to DIO. You only give them a lopsided smile, not really sure what to do. "But of course. Unlike you, I actually mean everything I say when speaking to a lady. You can't tell me you're jealous, I doubt you two have even had a chance at a proper date, and from what I hear, you kidnapped her. I don't believe that counts as a proper date." DIO taunts Joseph. "Hey, it wasn't even a date, we just hung out and got lost. We had fun either way, and I wouldn't mind just running around the city with Joseph. He's actually really funny, so lay off him." You say defending Joseph. "Oh? So I take it at some point you both shared a romantic kiss then?" You turn to Joseph, who shrugs, and quirk a brow before you face DIO again. "No, why would I kiss him, I JUST met him." You say as you quirk your head to the side.

"So then I assume JoJo was the one you have kissed, he's been so close to you since you first met. Don't tell me he's the one you are pining for?" Your brows go up in surprise as Joseph lets out a loud gasp as he turns to you. "JONATHAN? YOU KISSED JONATHAN?!" You smack him and pout. "NO! I haven't kissed Joseph or Jonathan, why would I do that to my friends? As for 'Pining' for Jonathan... what the hell man? You don't even know me and you're making creepy assumptions like that? So much for having charm." You say as you begin to laugh at him. "Oh? So the blush I enticed from you, your speechless form was all due to lack of charm from me?" He asks sounding slightly offended. "Oh, no... you have charm-" you say but get cut off they the man beside you. "WHAT?! YOU FELL FOR THAT?!" You swat his arm and shush him. "Joseph, let me finish. Anyway, you have charm, but that kind of stuff ain't my thing. Like I said, your idea of a date, and my idea of a date, are two TOTALLY different things, we're kind of at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Soooo, sorry, but no date tomorrow." You say with a shrug as you look away from them both. "What a shame, but don't believe that for a single moment I won't try to convince you to go on a date with me, [Name]." DIO says confidently, you only sigh and cross your arms again. "Fine, but don't think for a moment that I will cave in and accept a date." You say frowning at him. "We'll see about that, love." He says coyly as Joseph clears his throat. "Alright, now that all that harassment is done with. How much longer until we reach home?" Joseph asks sounding irritated beyond his norm. "We're almost there, just a few more blocks, Joseph. No need to get so upset because I managed to show you how to properly woo a lady." DIO says and you let out a groan as you feel your blush coming back again. "You two are so childish." You mumble out to them as you lean back into your seat. DIO only chuckles at your behavior Joseph huffs, upset, and slouches in his seat. The ride remains quiet for another couple of minutes, you can feel DIO's eyes on you while Joseph fishes out his phone. "Sorry, we didn't call you guys, but we got a ride and we're almost home... Yeah, not much longer... I'm not going to apologize.... Why? Because we had fun! You were so boring I had to save her and show her how to have a good time!... WHAT?! MY LIPS AREN'T WEIRD! CAESAR! GIVE JONATHAN THE PHONE BACK RIGHT NOW!!" Joseph startles you again as he begins yelling at his best friend through the phone. "YES! WE'RE OUTSIDE! BYE!" Joseph says as he shoves his phone into one of his pocket. He looks down at you, and you only look up at him with one brow quirked. "What?" He asks feeling a little nervous. "Why'd you yell that thing about your lips being weird?" You ask as you try to hold off a giggle at his apparent flustered state. "What? I didn't say anything of the sort!" He says as he throws his hands up. "We're here." DIO says cutting in as you begin to feel the car slowing down.

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