Talopia Cita [Citadel North]

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Name: Talopia
Object: Citadel
Class: Thaumiel
Location: Avian (North)
[reference not accurately to scale due to simplicity]
Notes: A floating, (seemingly) gold or copper coated, citadel surrounded by a futuristic city. The platform seems to be elevated by at least 8 powerful propellers amd is surrounded by many smaller "islands" that all have their own communities on them and are all connected by bridges, of course being elevated by their own propellers. This seems to defy all Earth-known logic, if the gravity is directed only towards the core, but research on this logic is pending.
When in the Citadel, all non-Avians seem to feel a slight change in gravitational pull strength, occasionally causing headaches and dizziness in sensitive sapiens.
The Citadel's technology is significantly more advanced than most other areas, possibly because of being more wealthy. Transportation methods known so far are airbikes, "zimoriains" or "eel trains", and small floating pods that can be used and owned like cars, but names to these are unknown.
The Citadel itself is a massive spiraled tower with circle windows with a giant, almost triangular shaped door. Not much else can be said about this area.
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[Will be updated if more examination is conducted]

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