Chapter 3: Not So Happy Campers (Part 3)

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"Yes sir" he said as Chris pushed him towards us.

"I bet he's gonna be the first one gone." Whispered Duncan

"Duncan that's not nice." I said, scolding him

"You'll see" Duncan chuckled at my weak attempt to scold him. "Home school's gonna open his mouth and be gone before midnight."

"We'll see" I said while watching the boat come and go again.

"Cody." Chris said while high fiving a short brown haired boy in a sweater vest.

"Dude, great to be here man." he said as he walking pass Chris and looking at all the girls. "And I see the ladies have already arrived."

He walked pass me but turned back and was about to say something when Duncan growled lowly at him.

"Off limits dork." said Duncan causing the boy to flee in terror.

Just then, a buff looking girl stepped off the boat.

"Eva" Chris said as she passed him silently.

She dropped her bag on the floor and the sound of metal hitting metal along was heard along with slight shaking of the dock.

"What's in there? Dumb bells?" Asked Cody jokingly

"Yes" Eva said

"Yeah! Chris what's happening!" Yelled a large fat guy with yellow hair before laughing. "This is awesome!"

"Owen! Welcome!" Chris yelled back

"Awesome to be here man!" He said, pulling Chris into a bone crushing hug. "this is just so-"

"Awesome" the goth girl finished.

"Yeah, are you gonna be on my team?" he asked her

"Oh I sure hope so" she said with sarcasm Owen clearly missed over his excited yelling.

"Are you finished?" Chris asked annoyed.

"Sorry dude." he said as he out him down. "I'm just so excited!"

"Cool and there's Nick." Chris smirk, pointing to the guy with blonde hair and buck tooth that stepped off the boat. "How's the contestant life treating you so far."

"Stuff it Chris" He said, pushed pass Chris angrily

"Hey, I know you! Your mom's the best celebrate surgeon!" Beth said excitedly before frowning. "What are you doing here?"

"My dad trying to punish me. He said if I don't make it to at least the final ten, he'll cut me off" Nick said in frustration

"Poor you" Duncan said with as much sarcasm as he could muster.

"Here comes Courtney" Chris said, pointing to the boat come towards us.

She gave us a princess wave before Chris helped her off the boat. She quickly thanked him while passing him.

She had brown hair and dress to look to the office.

"You must be the other contestants, nice to meet you all" she said

"How's a going?" Owen said while shaking her stretch out hand vigorously. "I'm Owen"

"Nice to me-" She cut herself off at the sight of a handsome tan guy coming in on the boat.

All the girls stared as he came off the boat including Eva and I think Owen too but as for me.

"I don't get it, He's handsome, so what?" I asked Duncan who just smiled at me.

"This is why I like you so much" he said while I just shrugged it off.

"This is Justin. Welcome to Total drama island. Just so you know, we pick you based entirely on your looks" Chris said

"I can deal with that" He said before walking by to stand with the rest of us.

"Everyone! Izzy!" Chris said as the boat come to a stop.

"Hi Chris!" She ran forward only to trip over the boat's railing and slam her chin into to side of the docks, landing in the water.

Courtney was the first one to go pull her out.

Once out, she shook herself off like a dog then started rambling so face I could hardly keep up. The only thing I got was that she asked about lunch.

"That is a good question!" Yelled Owen

"Not yet, first things first. We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone at the end of the dock!" said Chris

I struggled to find a space for me to be seen when I was suddenly on Duncan shoulders.

Chris jumped on the boat with a camera in his hand.

"Say Wawanaka!" yelled Chris

Just as we said it, the dock gave and we all were dunked in the water.

"Great! Dry off and meet me at the campfire pit in ten" Chris said.


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