Cold (Trigger warning)

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Have you ever just been cold?
It's a hot day,
warm enough to melt the ice that surrounds your heart
but you're just cold.
Nothing can bring that heat back,
no hugs, kisses, or love can turn on that long extinguished fire...
So you allow the gentle kiss of a blade to your flower petal skin,
the sloppy hands of fire along your cold dead limbs,
the hard wall to your already bloody fists,
to try to ignite something,
in your soul.
You keep willing yourself out of bed,
even if all the coldness would rather you be dead,
and I know how hard it is to keep fighting the cold.
To not give in to the winter of your spirit,
the Antarctic of your mind,
but listen,
even in the coldest nights,
the most lifeless conditions,
you have set your proud foot steps in the snow.
The mark that you kept going in the snow of mental illness,
the fire of just living is enough to take the bite out of the frost.

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