[DEMON BIOS: Clubstep - Theory of Everything 2 - Deadlocked]

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Yes, I finally drew the Demons. I beat the last one (Deadlocked) in January and I thought it was about time.


NAME: Clubstep

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NAME: Clubstep

NICKNAME(S): X (because of the way his stars look), Step


DIFFICULTY: Demon (14 Stars) - should've been an Easy Insane (11 Stars)


INSANE POWER/TALENT: Crafting/building of all kinds, he's an excellent mechanic and can fix pretty much anything

FAVORITE FREE TIME ACTIVITIES: Loitering, giving unnecessary commentary on things other people are doing, working on whatever he's building at the moment, playing games/doing sport with Electroman Adventures, listening to music, beatboxing/rapping (he's not insanely good at it but he does it for the fun more than anything)

CHARACTER: Playful, but in a deadly kind of way, hates it when things don't go his way or when someone (mainly Electrodynamix or Deadlocked) tries to order him around, he can be extremely childish and does by no means know when to stop, he tends to be arrogant and thinks he's the best at everything and expects everyone to want to be his friend (which they don't actually as he's very hard to be around), can be extremely annoying, a know-it-all (that mostly pisses off the smart trio), he also loves to make fun of pretty much everyone (he's not a bad person on the inside but he has trouble expressing his feelings and is afraid people would make fun of him if he doesn't do it first)

BEST FRIEND(S): He hangs with Clutterfunk sometimes, also Dry Out and Electroman Adventures, he also likes spending time with Fingerdash but that's something that he does in secret because he's afraid the others would make fun of him for it (tell him he's got a crush on her and stuff like that)

CRUSH/SIGNIFICANT OTHER: He's got a little bit of a crush on Fingerdash but that's a well-kept secret, even she doesn't know

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The hardest thing for him is actually admitting that someone is better at something than he is or even just compliment others for their skills, for example, he admires Electrodynamix for his music making or Fingerdash for her art but is way too insecure to say that let alone ask them to show him how it's done etc., other than that he can be fun to be around if he's not having one of his "I'll be extremely annoying today" days and he knows most of the gossip as well as a ton of jokes and fun stories

NAME: Theory of Everything 2

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NAME: Theory of Everything 2


GENDER: Female

DIFFICULTY: Demon (14 Stars) - should've been an Easy Insane (11 Stars)


INSANE POWER/TALENT: Empathy, she always knows what to say and has an amazing intuition when it comes to figuring out how people feel and how to make them feel better

FAVORITE FREE TIME ACTIVITIES: Reading, being outside, simply listening/talking to people, hanging with her sister, her boyfriend or her friends, she also loves drawing even though she's not the best at it but her BFF Fingerdash teaches her and that's the best teacher you can get

CHARACTER: Very gentle and calm, almost never angry or even annoyed, very empathic and an excellent problem solver, very skilled psychologist and just in general very good at understanding and helping people deal with their problems, now her overly "psychological and understanding" approach can and does annoy some other levels (she will react to almost everything you say that does not openly express the fact that you're doing fantastic with "are you okay" or "can I help you"), she sees the good in everything and everyone and is very optimistic and confident

BEST FRIEND(S): Her sister and Fingerdash are her BFFs but she gets along with pretty much all the levels, even the grumpy ones like Clutterfunk and Clubstep, the only one who's not part of her countless fans is Electrodynamix, on the one hand he understands how important she is for everyone else and their community (as something like the unofficial leader he has to take that into account) and he's thankful for that but on the other hand he very much doesn't appreciate it whenever she tries to "force" her help on him

CRUSH/SIGNIFICANT OTHER: She's in a happy long-term relationship with Deadlocked, they balance each other out very well and do a lot together

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: She is sort of the "heartache box" of the group, she is as excellent at psychology as her sister is at science and will always listen and help anyone who has a problem, needs any kind of advice or just simply wants to talk, and she does it all simply because she loves doing it and for free, also all the levels have come to a silent agreement that she's not just TOE's little sister but all of theirs and that she's way too pure for this world and must be protected at all cost

NAME: Deadlocked

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NAME: Deadlocked

NICKNAME(S): D-Locked, Lock


DIFFICULTY:  Demon (15 Stars) - should've been a Hard Insane (12 Stars)


INSANE POWER/TALENT: Summoning and controlling mini-dragons that are basically his pets except they spit fire and bite you when you anger them but are otherwise pretty much puppies

FAVORITE FREE TIME ACTIVITIES: Spending time with friends and his girlfriend, taking care of his dragon-puppies, cooking, listening to music, doing sports - he's into normal and extreme sports

CHARACTER: Appears very calm and is very hard to anger, but if you manage to anger him you are pretty much dead, can also hold grudges and doesn't forgive or trust easily but once you've won his trust he'll protect you with his life (he's the second tsundere level, after Hexagon Force), he's very serious and confident, without being arrogant or bossy like Electrodynamix, he's not grumpy or asocial either, in fact, he's somewhat of an ambivert who likes both alone-time and socializing

BEST FRIEND(S):  Overall he does get along with most the levels but surprisingly his best friend turned out to be no other than Electrodynamix, the two guys have enough in common to have earned each other's respect and friendship while balancing each other out in a positive way, they hang together most of the time (whenever Deadlocked isn't with his girlfriend)

CRUSH/SIGNIFICANT OTHER: In a happy long-term relationship with TOEs, if anything ever happens to her he will kill everyone in the room and then himself

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  He sort of became Electrodynamix' deputy "leader" of the whole group, the two guys often make decisions together and he frequently asks Deadlocked for his opinion on stuff (Deadlocked's not much of a natural leader nor does he enjoy the position very much that's why he's thankful he doesn't have to be the actual leader), when he cooks everyone's at his place faster than the speed of light (he's especially good at making all kinds of chicken ;)), he and TOEs agree that they would much rather go back to their original rating and difficulty as opposed to staying demons (Clubstep disagrees fiercely)

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